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  1. COVID-19 has now spread around most parts of the world. This animation addresses best practices to protect against Coronavirus through recommended preventative measures.
  2. La cólera es una infección intestinal causada por la bacteria Vibrio cholerae. Los síntomas principales de esta enfermedad son la diarrea y el vómito. La transmisión de la cólera ocurre principalmente por el consumo de la comida contaminada o del agua contaminado. En este video, que se puede ver...
  3. Dengue is a disease caused by a virus that is transmitted to people through the bite of female Aedes mosquitoes. This 3 minutes and 24 second animation describes Dengue transmission, infection and the different symptoms associated with this disease. Also, the animation gives additional...
  4. El Ébola es una enfermedad con un alto riesgo de mortalidad, causada por el virus del Ébola. Aunque la enfermedad es peligrosa y puede matar rápidamente, podemos evitar su propagación. El tratamiento precoz de la enfermedad aumenta las posibilidades de supervivencia. Este vídeo contiene...
  5. Ebola is a life threatening disease caused by the Ebola virus. There is currently no cure or vaccine. Although the disease is dangerous and can kill in a short time, we can stop Ebola from spreading. Early treatment can also increase chances of surviving Ebola. This video provides information on...
  6. Lavarse las manos es la mejor manera de prevenir la propagación de gérmenes i enfermedades. Unas manos sucias pueden contener gérmenes patógenos que pueden hacer enfermar a una persona o contagiar a otras. Los microorganismos como las bacterias, virus, parásitos, hongos y diversas sustancias...
  7. La Malaria es una enfermedad causada por un parásito que se transmite a la gente a través de la picadura del mosquito hembra Anopheles. Los síntomas de la Malaria son: fiebre alta, escalofríos, dolor abdominal, dolor de cabeza, cansancio y fatiga. Si experimenta estos síntomas es muy importante...
  8. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted to people through the bite of the femaleAnophelesmosquito. Symptoms of malaria are: high fever, chills, abdominal pain, headaches, tiredness and fatigue. If anyone experiences these symptoms, it is important to go to the nearest...
  9. La enfermedad de Chagas es causada por un parásito llamado Trypanosoma cruzi. El parásito es transmitido al hombre a través de la picadura de un insecto conocido como vinchuca, chinche, barbeiro o científicamente llamado Triatoma infestans. Este vídeo propone métodos para prevenir esta...
  10. El Virus del Nilo Occidental es una enfermedad transmitida por la picadura de mosquitos. Los mosquitos adquieren el virus al alimentarse de la sangre de aves migratorias infectadas. La hembra del mosquito común, Culex pipiens, es el principal mosquito responsable de la transmisión del virus. Sin...
  11. La fiebre amarilla es una enfermedad causada por un virus que se transmite a las personas a través de la picadura de la hembra del mosquito Aedes aegypti y otras especies de mosquitos. Los síntomas de esta enfermedad son los siguientes: escalofríos, fiebre, dolores musculares, dolor de cabeza,...
  12. This animation addresses the pain of Sickle Cell disease and how clinicians should handle Sickle Cell patients. The pain of Sickle Cell Disease is very real. Sickle Cell vaso-occlusive pain is more severe than most other pain conditions encountered in the Emergency Department. However, it is very...
  13. El virus del Zika es una enfermedad causada por un flavivirus particular. Se propaga entre las personas principalmente a través de la picadura de un mosquito de la especie Aedes aegypti; este mosquito también transmite el dengue, la fiebre chikungunya, y la fiebre amarilla. Hay reportes de la...
  14. La tuberculosis es una enfermedad infecciosa comuna y contagiosa causada por una bacteria que normalmente se encuentra en los pulmones. En estos 4 minutos y 31 segundos, ofrecemos información general sobre esta enfermedad y lanzamos un mensaje muy importante: la tuberculosis se puede tratar y...
  15. Ebola is a life threatening disease caused by the Ebola virus. There is currently no cure or vaccine. Although the disease is dangerous and can kill in a short time, we can stop Ebola from spreading. Early treatment can also increase chances of surviving Ebola. This video provides information on...
  16. Ebola is a life threatening disease caused by the Ebola virus. There is currently no cure or vaccine. Although the disease is dangerous and can kill in a short time, we can stop Ebola from spreading. Early treatment can also increase chances of surviving Ebola. This video provides information on...
  17. The neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are the most common infections of the world’s poor, but few people know about these diseases and why they are so important. This second edition ofForgotten People, Forgotten Diseasesprovides an overview of the NTDs and how they devastate the poor,...
  18. The manual provides guidance on the application of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) approach to the prevention and control of mycotoxin contamination of foods and feed. After a brief introduction on the nature of mycotoxins and their effects on human and animal health, the...
  19. 1/1/2005 This book is both an authoritative reference book and a powerful diagnostic tool. Organized according to type of disease-inducing agent, the second edition is also designed to be helpful in classroom and field instruction. Symptoms, signs, and cycles of hundreds of diseases are described and...
  20. 1/1/1971 Market diseases of fruits and vegetables are those that develop during the process of marketing. Marketing includes the harvesting, grading, and packing of the crop, its transportation to market, its storage at shipping point or at the market, and the various handling operations required to move...
  21. 1/1/2001 Specific diseases and parasites usually affect animals within, or closely related to, the same species. Only a relatively few cross over to humans, called Zoonoses; however when this happens, the outcome can be very serious. This book, which is a series of articles, describes a variety of...
  22. This handbook is the latest in the diverse range of information tools produced over the last few years by Sight and Life. Its primary aim is to present the knowledge contained in existing lecture and pictorial material, some of which has been reworked, in a form that practitioners can put to...
  23. This book deals with infection and pathogenicity. All microorganisms are considered together as each part of the subject is dealt with. Thre are no systematic accounts of individual diseases, their diagnosis or their treatment, but the principal microorganisms and diseases are included in a...
  24. 19/1/1976 The underlying philosophy of the New Encyclopedia of Common Diseases is 'natural is best." This means that when there is solid scientific evidence that drugless, non-surgical treatments have proven effective, they are emphasized.
  25. AccessAgriculture Training Video La mancha de asfalto es una seria plaga del maíz. Para prevenirla, es importante quemar los rastrojos del año anterior, o sembrar su maíz en tierra que no tuvo maíz el año anterior. Algunas variedades de maíz son resistentes a esta enfermedad. Idiomas disponibles...
  26. AccessAgriculture Training Video La rotación de cultivos y el uso de yeso, extractos de hierbas u buenos hongos como el Trichoderma pueden controlar la pudrición de raíz y tallo. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Bangla Birmano Español Ewe Francés Inglés Kabyé Kiswahili Moba Mooré Tamil Telugo Árabe
  27. AccessAgriculture Training Video En este video, aprenderemos cómo reconocer la enfermedad Newcastle, los síntomas, causas, prevención, control y manejo de esta devastadora enfermedad. Idiomas disponibles Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga Español Francés Inglés Kiswahili Luganda Tumbuka
  28. AccessAgriculture Training Video La teta con mastitis tiene dolor, y la vaca no quiere ser ordeñada. Si no se trata a tiempo, los otros pezones pueden enfermarse también y la ubre se daña. La leche de una vaca con mastitis no sirve. Idiomas disponibles Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Español Francés...
  29. AccessAgriculture Training Video Una oveja enferma no crece rápido y se venderá a bajo precio porque es delgada y la carne es de mala calidad. Algunas enfermedades como la PPR y la pasteurelosis se transmiten principalmente por inhalación y agua potable contaminada. Las lombrices parasíticas se...
  30. AccessAgriculture Training Video En este video aprenderemos qué causa la fiebre, cómo reconocer un animal con fiebre y como manejar un caso simple de fiebre en su hato con unos consejos sencillos. Idiomas disponibles Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga Español Francés Hindi Inglés Luganda...
  31. AccessAgriculture Training Video Es difícil criar a animales sanos porque se enferman fácilmente. Mucha gente gasta su dinero comprando medicina para sus animales. En este video veremos cómo evitar que los animales se enfermen de diarrea y aprenderemos a curar con hierbas a los animales enfermos....
  32. 20/1/2006 Why do our farm animals get sick and how can we keep them healthy?" This is a question veterinarians and other specialists who work with small farmers hear frequently. Most of these farmers work very hard, giving time, effort, and loving care to their animals in the hope that their farm will be...
  33. 19/1/1998 Making the correct diagnosis is the most important part of treating an animal or flock, but this can often be a complicated and difficult task. This book is designed to aid the veterinarian and the veterinary technician in making knowledgeable and well-thought-out decisions for the treatment of...
  34. 1/1/2019 *Available as Download Only Current efforts to limit the ravages of schistosomiasis are pushing the world closer to eliminating a chronic infection that has been associated with human life in the tropics since time immemorial. This notwithstanding, the disease remains a scourge for large...
  35. 20/1/2001 Specific diseases and parasites usually affect animals within, or closely related to, the same species. Only a relatively few cross over to humans, called Zoonoses; however when this happens, the outcome can be very serious.

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