1. AccessAgriculture Training Video Es difícil criar a animales sanos porque se enferman fácilmente. Mucha gente gasta su dinero comprando medicina para sus animales. En este video veremos cómo evitar que los animales se enfermen de diarrea y aprenderemos a curar con hierbas a los animales enfermos....
  2. AccessAgriculture Training Video Una oveja enferma no crece rápido y se venderá a bajo precio porque es delgada y la carne es de mala calidad. Algunas enfermedades como la PPR y la pasteurelosis se transmiten principalmente por inhalación y agua potable contaminada. Las lombrices parasíticas se...
  3. 1/1/2001 Specific diseases and parasites usually affect animals within, or closely related to, the same species. Only a relatively few cross over to humans, called Zoonoses; however when this happens, the outcome can be very serious. This book, which is a series of articles, describes a variety of...
  4. 18/10/2019 Cuando se menciona el tema del manejo de plagas agrícolas, la mayoría de las personas piensan primero en la vigilancia de las plagas o en la intervención para reducirlas: la observación, la identificación de las plagas, y/o la aplicación de plaguicidas son algunas prácticas específicas. Sin...
  5. 1/1/1995 Disease prevention through vector control is intended to give relief workers an overview of the problems and a range of strategies for dealing with them. The main vector-borne diseases are described, and the importance of identifying the particular disease and its vector, and of considering a...
  6. 1/1/1994 In this work of investigative science journalism, Laurie Garrett takes readers on a harrowing fifty-year journey through our battles with the microbes, from the savannas of eastern Bolivia to the rain forest of northern Zaire, from a Navajo reservation in the Four Corners region of New Mexico to...
  7. 1/1/1991 This empirical report provides guidelines on how to improve the organization and management of tropical disease control programs. The target audience is donors, health specialists, and program managers interested in improving tropical disease control programs in developing countries. 51 pages,...