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  1. COVID-19 has now spread around most parts of the world. This animation addresses best practices to protect against Coronavirus through recommended preventative measures.
  2. 落吐症是垃儳水裡底的細菌所引起的一種腸仔感染,受汙染的食品或拿被汙染的水去戽水
  3. 天狗熱一種予母的斑蚊叮著,共病毒傳予人的疾病,這支3分24秒的bàng-kah予咱知影天狗熱的的穢湠,感染佮致病時的症狀。另外,bàng-kah嘛提供埃及斑蚊佮白線斑蚊的生活習慣。這支影片教咱各種的預防措施,像講維持厝內外的環境衛生,莫去予蠓仔叮著。予咱做伙拍拚,共同阻止天狗熱的穢湠!
  4. 伊波拉是一種由伊波拉病毒引起的致命性疾病。目前還沒有治療的方法或預防的疫苗。雖然它非常的危險,並且會讓人在很短的時間內就死亡,我們仍然可以做些事情來阻止它的擴散。早期治療可以增加受感染者的存活率。本影片提供了有關伊波拉疾病的症狀、散播方式、以及我們可以如何作來阻止它的擴散。
  5. Ebola is a life threatening disease caused by the Ebola virus. There is currently no cure or vaccine. Although the disease is dangerous and can kill in a short time, we can stop Ebola from spreading. Early treatment can also increase chances of surviving Ebola. This video provides information on...
  6. 洗手是預防病菌和疾病傳染的最好方法。骯髒的手會攜帶讓人患病的病原細菌或將疾病傳染給他人。病菌、病毒、黴菌與寄生蟲等微生物以及各種化學物體會當我們碰觸我們的臉、眼睛、鼻子或嘴時,直接進入我們的體內。或是當我們骯髒的雙手汙染了他人會碰觸到的物體表面或飲食器皿時,而間接進入人體內。以肥皂及清水洗手的習慣構成了預防許多如小感冒及腹瀉或較嚴重的腦膜炎、流感或肝炎等許多疾病傳染的第一道防線。這部立體動畫將說明了洗手的重要性。
  7. 瘧疾的元兇是一種經由母瘧蚊的叮咬傳染給人類的寄生蟲。感染虐疾的人會出現以下症狀:高燒,冷顫,腹部疼痛,頭痛,以及精神疲倦。任何人在出現上述的症狀後,都應前往最近的醫療院所就診。瘧疾可能造成嚴重的併發症,特別是在嬰兒與幼童身上。預防瘧疾最重要的措施即是避免蚊蟲的叮咬。在家妥善的將蚊帳架置在床鋪或睡覺的空間周圍,以保護自己免受蚊蟲干擾也很重要。這部影片說明了正確的使用蚊帳可以幫助人們在夜晚不必擔心瘧蚊的叮咬。
  8. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted to people through the bite of the femaleAnophelesmosquito. Symptoms of malaria are: high fever, chills, abdominal pain, headaches, tiredness and fatigue. If anyone experiences these symptoms, it is important to go to the nearest...
  9. Chagas is a disease caused by a parasite namedTrypanosoma cruzi. The parasite is transmitted to humans through the bite of an insect known as the kissing bug, vinchuca, chinche, barbeiro and scientifically calledTriatoma infestans. This video discusses methods to help prevent this disease....
  10. West Nile Virus is a disease transmitted by the bite of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes acquire the virus by feeding on the blood of infected migratory birds. A common female mosquito, Culex pipiens, is the main mosquito responsible for the transmission of the virus. However, other species, such as Aedes...
  11. 黃熱病是一種病毒性疾病, 其傳播途徑是經由雌性埃及斑蚊及其他種類蚊子的叮咬而傳染給人類。其症狀包含有:怕冷、發燒、肌肉疼痛、頭痛、食欲不振、噁心和嘔吐。本視頻詳述的幾個步驟能夠降低黃熱病得病的機率。
  12. 本動畫討論的是鐮刀細胞型貧血症之痛苦以及臨床醫師該如何對待此類病患。鐮刀細胞型貧血症之痛苦非常真實,其血管阻塞的疼痛比起大多數其他急診部門所碰到的疼痛狀況更為嚴重。然而有一點很重要的就是,鐮刀細胞型貧血症病患的面部表情不能當作可靠的疼痛指標,因為他們常會訓練自己去隱藏外在的痛苦,並且控制自己情緒,以便與經年累月的疼痛共處。正因為外表無法識別,患者有時無法獲得適當程度之治療。臨床醫師可藉由減少病患的恐懼感及提升他們的信任感,使止痛藥物能獲得最佳成效,因此臨床醫師的禮貌、耐心、溫和、以及關心就很重要了。有了適當的管理技巧,鐮刀細胞型貧血症患者儘管有著慢性疼痛,也可以過著豐富而成功的生活。
  13. 茲卡是予一種真特別的黃病毒引起的疾病。這種病毒的傳播主要是予埃及斑蚊叮著,嘛會傳遞天狗熱,屈公熱和黃熱病。報告指出,受感染的母親會因為行房共病毒傳予胎兒。大部分感染茲卡病毒的病者無任何症狀。有的人可能會發燒,皮膚起紅疹,結膜炎目睭紅,佮關節疼痛。有的人猶會肌肉痠痛,規身軀袂爽快抑是頭疼。這些症狀定定會持續兩到七天。現此時猶無特效治療抑是疫苗通好預防茲卡病毒。專家和研究人員仍猶閣咧拍拚了解這種疾病佮伊的併發症。毋過大部份猶是無解。 請上www.WHO.int這个網站了解茲卡上新的訊息。 12 http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/... 13...
  14. 肺結核是一種由細菌引起的常見傳染病,通常寄宿在肺部。這部4分31秒的影片提供有關結核病的一般資訊,及一個重要觀念:結核病是可以治療和治癒的。影片還說明了一些預防措施,用來保護自己和其他人,以免得到這種疾病。讓我們採取這些預防措施,制止結核病的傳播。
  15. Ebola is a life threatening disease caused by the Ebola virus. There is currently no cure or vaccine. Although the disease is dangerous and can kill in a short time, we can stop Ebola from spreading. Early treatment can also increase chances of surviving Ebola. This video provides information on...
  16. Ebola is a life threatening disease caused by the Ebola virus. There is currently no cure or vaccine. Although the disease is dangerous and can kill in a short time, we can stop Ebola from spreading. Early treatment can also increase chances of surviving Ebola. This video provides information on...
  17. The neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are the most common infections of the world’s poor, but few people know about these diseases and why they are so important. This second edition ofForgotten People, Forgotten Diseasesprovides an overview of the NTDs and how they devastate the poor,...
  18. The manual provides guidance on the application of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) approach to the prevention and control of mycotoxin contamination of foods and feed. After a brief introduction on the nature of mycotoxins and their effects on human and animal health, the...
  19. 2005-01-01 This book is both an authoritative reference book and a powerful diagnostic tool. Organized according to type of disease-inducing agent, the second edition is also designed to be helpful in classroom and field instruction. Symptoms, signs, and cycles of hundreds of diseases are described and...
  20. 1971-01-01 Market diseases of fruits and vegetables are those that develop during the process of marketing. Marketing includes the harvesting, grading, and packing of the crop, its transportation to market, its storage at shipping point or at the market, and the various handling operations required to move...
  21. 2001-01-01 Specific diseases and parasites usually affect animals within, or closely related to, the same species. Only a relatively few cross over to humans, called Zoonoses; however when this happens, the outcome can be very serious. This book, which is a series of articles, describes a variety of...
  22. This handbook is the latest in the diverse range of information tools produced over the last few years by Sight and Life. Its primary aim is to present the knowledge contained in existing lecture and pictorial material, some of which has been reworked, in a form that practitioners can put to...
  23. This book deals with infection and pathogenicity. All microorganisms are considered together as each part of the subject is dealt with. Thre are no systematic accounts of individual diseases, their diagnosis or their treatment, but the principal microorganisms and diseases are included in a...
  24. 1976-01-19 The underlying philosophy of the New Encyclopedia of Common Diseases is 'natural is best." This means that when there is solid scientific evidence that drugless, non-surgical treatments have proven effective, they are emphasized.
  25. Access Agriculture Training Video Maize tar spot is a serious pest of maize. To help prevent it, it is important to burn the crop residues from the previous year, or plant your maize in land that did not have maize the year before. Some maize varieties are resistant to this disease. Available...
  26. Access Agriculture Training Video Crop rotation, and the use of gypsum, herbal mixtures or beneficial fungi like Trichoderma can control root and stem rot diseases. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla Burmese English Ewe French Kabyé Kiswahili Moba Mooré Spanish Tamil Telugu
  27. Access Agriculture Training Video In this video we will learn how to recognise Newcastle disease, and the signs, causes, prevention, control and management of this devastating disease. Available languages Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga English French Kiswahili Luganda Spanish Tumbuka
  28. Access Agriculture Training Video Mastitis makes the teat painful, so cows do not want to get milked. If not treated soon, the other teats will also become affected and the udder may get damaged. When a cow has mastitis, her milk is not good to drink. Available languages Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja...
  29. Access Agriculture Training Video A sick sheep does not grow fast and will sell at a low price because it is thin and the meat will be of poor quality. Some diseases such as PPR and pasteurellosis are mainly transmitted through inhalation and contaminated drinking water. Parasitic worms spread to...
  30. Access Agriculture Training Video In this video, we will learn what causes fever, how to recognise an animal with fever and how to handle a simple case of fever on your farm using a few simple tips. Available Languages: Arabic,Bangla,Chichewa / Nyanja,Chitonga / Tonga,English,French,Hindi,...
  31. Access Agriculture Training Video Keeping healthy livestock is a tough task because animals fall sick easily. Many people spend lots of money on medicine to treat their animals. In this video we will see how to prevent animals from getting diarrhoea and we will also learn how to treat sick...
  32. 2006-01-20 Why do our farm animals get sick and how can we keep them healthy?" This is a question veterinarians and other specialists who work with small farmers hear frequently. Most of these farmers work very hard, giving time, effort, and loving care to their animals in the hope that their farm will be...
  33. 1998-01-19 Making the correct diagnosis is the most important part of treating an animal or flock, but this can often be a complicated and difficult task. This book is designed to aid the veterinarian and the veterinary technician in making knowledgeable and well-thought-out decisions for the treatment of...
  34. 2019-01-01 *Available as Download Only Current efforts to limit the ravages of schistosomiasis are pushing the world closer to eliminating a chronic infection that has been associated with human life in the tropics since time immemorial. This notwithstanding, the disease remains a scourge for large...
  35. 2001-01-20 Specific diseases and parasites usually affect animals within, or closely related to, the same species. Only a relatively few cross over to humans, called Zoonoses; however when this happens, the outcome can be very serious.

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