1. 2005-01-20 The Tippy Tap II (Lifewater International)is a modified design of the Tippy Tap that is easier to make and easy to use. The Tippy Tap II can be made from any container of about one to four litres capacity. A jug with a handle works best, but a Tippy Tap II can be made from any plastic container,...
  2. Available in English, Arabic, Bengali, Spanish, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Urdu, etal. Washing hands is the best way to prevent the spread of germs and diseases. Dirty hands can carry pathogenic germs that can sicken a person or spread diseases to others. Microorganisms such as bacteria,...
  3. 洗手是預防病菌和疾病傳染的最好方法。骯髒的手會攜帶讓人患病的病原細菌或將疾病傳染給他人。病菌、病毒、黴菌與寄生蟲等微生物以及各種化學物體會當我們碰觸我們的臉、眼睛、鼻子或嘴時,直接進入我們的體內。或是當我們骯髒的雙手汙染了他人會碰觸到的物體表面或飲食器皿時,而間接進入人體內。以肥皂及清水洗手的習慣構成了預防許多如小感冒及腹瀉或較嚴重的腦膜炎、流感或肝炎等許多疾病傳染的第一道防線。這部立體動畫將說明了洗手的重要性。
  4. The tippy tap is a hands free way to wash your hands that is especially appropriate for rural areas where there is no running water. It is operated by a foot lever and thus reduces the chance for bacteria transmission as the user touches only the soap. It uses only 40 millilitres of water to wash...