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This reading list provides links to resources suggested for participants in ECHO's Tropical Agriculture Development series as they prepare to attend.  Some of the subject matter may assist the students in formulating thoughts and questions helpful in maximizing the learning experience.

  1. Ressource principale Vous voulez aider les gens dans les tropiques. Fantastique! Les tropiques vous attendent à bras ouverts. Peu importe vos compétences et talents, vous pouvez améliorer la vie des gens dans les tropiques. L’intérêt que vous manifestez pour le bien-être physique et spirituel des gens peut se...
  2. Ressource principale
    09/02/2018 Les régimes alimentaires traditionnels incluaient une grande variété d’ingrédients provenant d’une multitude de plantes sauvages et domestiquées. Les espèces indigènes du milieu local et d’autres plantes provenant d’autres milieux éloignés qui ont été progressivement adaptées ont forgé les...
  3. Ressource principale
    20/01/2011 Pour plus de 30 ans passés que nous continuons à travailler avec les petits fermiers en Afrique Centrale, nous nous sommes jouis de merveilleuse luxuriance de ses forets, savanes, et rivières. En plus, nous avons été privilégiés de connaitre d’innombrables groupes ethniques, avec différentes...
  4. 19/03/1999 Three programs in Honduras have been looking for ways that poor hillside farmers can capture rainwater in their own fields and hold it there for two or three months. This water could then be used for supplemental irrigation during droughts or for extending the cropping season into the dry season....
  5. Ressource principale
    01/01/1985 Green manure crops are crops that are [often times in North America] grown to be turned under to increase soil fertility. Leguminous green manure crops ( i.e., those which can make nitrogen fertilizers from atmospheric nitrogen) can offer small-scale Third World farmers a tremendous number of...
  6. Ressource principale
    01/06/2010 Seeds naturally have a place in almost any endeavor having to do with agricultural development. Seeds of most food plants are small and, as such, are more easily transported and can be shipped longer distances than vegetative cuttings. For the farmer, seeds represent the promise of a continued...
  7. Ressource principale
    20/01/2009 All plants need certain mineral elements for proper growth, development, and maintenance. The basic structure of all organisms is built of carbon (C), oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H). Plants obtain these elements from water (H2O) in the soil and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air, so no input is...
  8. Ressource principale
    01/06/2013 Rick Burnette a écrit un article pour le numéro 6 (Juillet 2010) des Notes d’ECHO pour l’Asie, intitulé « Charcoal Production in 200-Liter Horizontal Drum Kilns » (Production de Charbon de Bois dans des Fours à Tambour Horizontaux de 200 Litres). Mon article pousse le processus de carbonisation...
  9. Ressource principale
    14/11/2012 L’UNCCD estime que plus de 250 millions de personnes sont touchées par la dégradation des terres et qu’environ 1 milliard de personnes dans plus de 100 pays sont à risque. Selon l’OMM, 33% de la superficie terrestre de la planète est vulnérable à la dégradation des terres. Elle estime notamment...
  10. 09/02/2017 This presentation will look at the differences between relief, rehabilitation, and development. We will see some of the challenges involved in determining which one of those three interventions is needed in different situations and we will talk about what to consider when transitioning from...
  11. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #29 The old adage ‘You can’t fix a problem if you don’t know you have one’ underpins the basic science of diagnosing plant nutrient deficiencies. For years, farmers and scientists have worked together to identify a set of visual clues that can be used to...
  12. 14/09/2022 Outline Characteristics of Soil Indicating Health Life in the Soil Farmer Constraints in Building Soil Health Competing Uses of Organic Matter Soil Loss Roaming Animals Fire
  13. 19/05/2015 Une approche d'apprentissage participatif, appliquée à chaque étape d'un projet de développement communautaire, est cruciale pour atteindre le niveau de participation des parties prenantes nécessaire pour un changement durable et positif. L'utilisation de méthodes d'enquête et de planification...
  14. Ressource principale
    01/06/1993 Chaque année, des spécialistes du développement communautaire visitent ECHO pendant quelques jours pour étudier et planifier leur travail. En fait, leur plus grand besoin n’est pas d’acquérir un peu plus de connaissances (par l’étude) mais bien de préparer un plan de projet centré sur l’appui aux...
  15. 20/01/2019 Commenté par Dawn Berkelaar ECHO dispose d'un vaste réseau d'experts agricoles travaillant dans divers domaines de production et de développement. De nombreux membres contribuent à nos diverses publications et ressources, écrivant souvent ou contribuant à nos documents existants. Certains...
  16. 13/09/2022 General Information : Green Manure Crops (ECHO Tech Note 10) An Introduction to Soil Fertility (ECHO Tech Note 57) Nutrient Quantity or Nutrient Access? A new Understanding of How to Maintain Soil Fertility in the Tropics (EDN 74) The Use of Green/Manure Cover Crops for Relay Cropping in Northern...
  17. 13/09/2022 Outline No Silver Bullet Approach Emphasis on Diversity Valuing Cultivars and Collections of Selected Species Strong Dependence on Perennials in Farming Good Mix of Annual Cropping Systems Approach to Agriculture for Small Scale Emphasis on Extending the Growing Season On-site Production of...
  18. 12/09/2022 Outline How Do You Define Poverty? Exploring Poverty Expanding Our Understanding BIG 5 Contributers Dependency Overly Restricted Measurements Three Dimensions of Poverty Categories of Poverty How to Respond Poverty Mindset Renewing the Ch---Mindset
  19. 13/09/2022
  20. 13/09/2022 Outline What are Green Manures? Cover Crops? Velvet Bean Cowpea / Niebe Hyacinth bean Root Nodules Sorghum Sudan Grass Keys to Success Soil Cover vs. Soil Incorporation Sunn Hemp Intercropping with Legumes
  21. 14/09/2022 Outline Classification Photosynthesis Water and Nutrient Movement Monocot vs. Dicot Plant Growth
  22. 14/09/2022 Outline Understand the Essential Steps in Seed Saving Look at Practical Tools and Technologies for Seed Saving Identify the Importance of Saving Seeds Pollination Steps in Saving Seeds Harvest Seeds
  23. 14/09/2022 Outline Agroforestry Basics Characteristics of Agroforestry Benefits of Agroforestry Agroforestry Practices
  24. 15/09/2022 Outline Perennial Greens and Inderutilized Tropical Crops Benefits of Underutilized Crops Select / Promtion of Underutilized Crops
  25. 15/09/2022 Outline Case Study Definition(s) Relief, Rehabilitation, Development ECHO Principles Pitfalls To Avoid Tools for Practice
  26. Making your own Solar CITIES IBC Tote Tank Biodigester has never been easier!! Here's all you need to do to jump into the backyard or basement biogas game and become a first flamer (yes, you can build them on your roof, porch or patio too!):
  27. This information service on biogas technology has been developed and produced on the order of the GTZ project Information and Advisory Service on Appropriate Technology (ISAT) for the ISAT Website in a collaborative effort. Information within this document includes the basics of biogas, the...
  28. This information service on biogas technology has been developed and produced on the order of the GTZ project Information and Advisory Service on Appropriate Technology (ISAT) for the ISAT Website in a collaborative effort. Information included in this document include application and production...
  29. There are two main reasons for drying food: to prevent (or inhibit) the growth and activity of micro-organisms and hence preserve the food to reduce the weight and bulk of food for cheaper transport and storage. This technical brief describes some of the requirements for proper drying and...
  30. Globally, drying is the most widely used method for preserving foods for use in the home or for sale. When drying foods such as fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs and nuts value is added by dryingand in such cases an investment in improved drying technologies may be economically viable. This...
  31. This Agrodok (#3) is meant to be a practical manual giving a review of the simple techniques used to preserve fruits and vegetables. The general introduction deals with the principles of spoilage prevention. Following this, the various methods of preserving are explained, and the main points of...
  32. The UC Davis chimney solar dryer was designed to provide efficient drying even in hazy or partially cloudy conditions. Constructing the dryer is simple, and it can be built from low-cost materials found locally in markets and shops around the world. The objective of this manual is to provide the...
  33. Document Reference: Boodoo, A. A.; Delaitre, J. C.; Preston, T. R., 1977. Ensiling sugarcane tops with different additives. Trop. Anim. Prod., 2 (2): 185-188 A number of different additives (molasses, urea, calcium hydroxide, ammoniated molasses and sand) were tested in silage made from chopped...
  34. How to improve the nutrition of farmers’ milking animals when each family keeps only one dairy cow? During the cold, continental winter, the major fodders available are wheat or maize straw, together with hay and concentrated feeds. As a minimum, it is essential to provide a green fodder...
  35. Document Reference: Munroe, Glenn. (2007). Manual of On-Farm Vermicomposting and Vermiculture. Org Agric Centre of Canada. This document includes information regarding the difference between vermiculture and vermicomposting, the five worm essentials, basic types of vericulture systems, and much...
  36. 20/07/2007 This article takes a fresh look at what is going on in the soil, especially in relation to soil organic matter and the organisms it supports; how this life in the soil is impacted by our land care practices; and how it in turn impacts the productivity of our farms.
  37. Ressource principale
    28/09/2016 Les agriculteurs dans de nombreuses régions du monde, en raison de la croissance de la population humaine, n’ont guère d’autre choix que de cultiver leurs terres en permanence, ne disposant pas suffisamment de ressources pour remplacer les éléments nutritifs retirés par chaque culture successive....
  38. 20/10/2007 Chickens are an important source of meat and eggs for many small-scale farmers. When only a few chickens are kept, they are usually able to meet their dietary needs with kitchen scraps and a bit of grain, and by scavenging for seeds, insects, worms, etc. However, if the flock size is increased...
  39. 20/01/2021 ECHO a le plaisir de vous présenter sa nouvelle application mobile ! Nous représentons un réseau de près de 20 000 membres et nous fournissons des ressources aux agriculteurs et aux agents de développement depuis plus de 30 ans. ECHOcommunity.org contient des milliers de documents et de vidéos...
  40. How to improve the nutrition of farmers’ milking animals when each family keeps only one dairy cow? During the cold, continental winter, the major fodders available are wheat or maize straw, together with hay and concentrated feeds. As a minimum, it is essential to provide a green fodder...
  41. 01/01/2007 Biogas is a well-established fuel for cooking and lighting in a number of countries. It is a gas mixture comprising around 60% methane and 40% carbon dioxide that is formed when organic materials, such as dung or vegetable matter are broken down by microbiological activity in the absence of air,...