Mises à jour de ECHOcommunity

Survey Opportunity: Challenges in Livestock Farming 2024-12-31

Je m’appelle Esther et je suis étudiante en agriculture et sciences animales à l’université d’Aberystwyth. Dans le cadre de mon mémoire, je mène une enquête auprès de la communauté ECHO afin d’identifier les plus grands défis auxquels est confronté l’élevage dans le monde majoritaire. Pourriez-vous répondre au questionnaire ? Cela ne devrait pas prendre plus de 5 minutes. Le formulaire est disponible en anglais, en français et en espagnol. Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez me contacter à l’adresse suivante: [esd8@aber.ac.uk]

En français

À propos de ECHOcommunity

ECHOcommunity est une communauté de membres donnant accès à presque toutes les ressources de ECHO en ligne, et aussi des outils de communication aidant les agents de développement à entrer en contact les uns avec les autres.

En savoir plus

Prochains événements

ECHO North America: Introduction to Tropical Agriculture Development - January 2025
lun, 20 janvier 2025 » ven, 24 janvier 2025

ECHO North America, United States

Those interested in preparing for short to long-term involvement in international agriculture development are encouraged to participate in this five-day course.  Topics and discussions will focus on improved food security and agricultural livelihoods for small-scale farmers in developing countries.  Participants will be introduced to the complexities related to poverty and community development.  They will also be introduced to principles and practices that contribute toward maintaining healt...

ECHO Asia: Tropical Agriculture & Development (TAD) Course
lun, 3 février 2025 » sam, 8 février 2025

Chiang Mai, Thailand

This 1-week course is designed for development workers, missionaries, and volunteers looking to engage their communities with low-cost, high-impact agricultural innovations and techniques. Participants will be introduced to various agricultural practices and technologies through classroom time and hands-on activities on the farm, learning to 'use what you have to make what you need.' This course is considered an 'introductory survey course' and will present a broad overview of many options...

TOT with Global CHE Network (Feb)
lun, 24 février 2025 » ven, 28 février 2025

ECHO North America, United States

  Those interested in preparing for short/long-term involvement in community and agricultural development internationally are encouraged to participate in this five-day (35 hours) training course. Course participants will gain an introduction to aspects of poverty and community development and an orientation to ECHO. They will also receive instruction on proven community development, including agricultural principles/practices and practical techniques, systems and technologies to meet ...

Biochar Academy: Thailand hosted by ECHO Asia + IBI (International Biochar Initiative)
lun, 24 février 2025 » sam, 1 mars 2025

ECHO Asia Small Farm Resource Center Chiang Mai, Thailand, Thailand

  Visit IBI's Biochar Academy: Thailand webpage for more information!   Participants will: Hear from biochar experts to gain insight into the current and future state of biochar research, commercial activity, and opportunities Become equipped with essential knowledge for training others in biochar fundamentals Make biochar using low-tech methods and identify a wide variety of applications for biochar Discuss the relationship between biochar and climate change mitigation ...

The 8th ECHO East Africa Biennial Symposium in collaboration with Hope International Burundi
mar, 25 février 2025 » jeu, 27 février 2025

King's Conference Center (KCC), Burundi

We are soliciting potential presenters  and attendees for the 8th ECHO East Africa Biennial Symposium in collaboration with Hope International Burundi, to be held in Bujumbura from the 25th - 27th February, 2025, a three day sharing event to be held at the King's Conference Center (KCC)  in Bujumbura, Burundi. The event will draw participants from all across East Africa to address issues of sustainable agriculture and appropriate technologies. We prefer presentations with practical informatio...

toutes dernières ressources

Central America & Caribbean

Kinetic Studies of Ethylene Oxidation by Potassium Permanganate Adsorbed on Rice Hull Ash, Lahar Ash or Coconut Coir Dust

Abstract, Philippine Agricultural Scientist, 2007

Ethylene (ethene) is the simplest organic compound thataffects physiological processes in plants. It is also a natu-ral product of plant metabolism and is produced ...

Une chambre de refroidissement pour les tomates

Vidéo de formation AccessAgricuture

Lorsque vous cueillez vos tomates et que vous voulez les conserver pendant longtemps, vous devez trouver une façon de réduire la température. Puisque l’accès à l’électricité dans...

Conservation de la tomate fraiche et séchée - video

AccessAgriculture Training Video

Vous pouvez conserver des tomates fraîches pendant quelques semaines dans un frigo local. Un frigo local est constitué de deux jarres jumelées l’une dans l’autre et séparées par du ...

Storing Tomatoes in Ash

I don’t use a fridge here in Nigeria and I have had to learn lots of fascinating ways to keep food, particularly vegetables, so that I don’t have to go shopping too often.  I manage with most things, but keeping tomatoes fre...

Tomato Storage and Preservation

Community Development - Transformational

Cordons de pierres - video

AccessAgriculture Video

Les cordons de pierres peuvent ralentir le ruissellement, augmenter l'infiltration d'eau et constituer la base de l'amélioration de la production en zones semi-arides. En utilisant les conto...

Review of Sustainable Methods for Atmospheric Water Harvesting

Abstract, International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 2020

The scope of this paper is to review different types of sustainable water harvesting methods from the atmospheric fogs and dew. In this paper, we rep...

Les cordons pierreux - video

AccessAgriculture Training Video

Les cordons pierreux provoquent un processus naturel de terrassement, car ils piègent les sédiments. Ils servent aussi à réhabiliter les terres érodées. Les agriculteurs du Kenya mo...

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