1. 01/01/1991 The ILEIA workshop made an important contribution to the emergence of operational approaches to sustainable agricultural technology development. A great number of cases and descriptions of field experiences has been compiled and assessed, existing networks on participatory technology development...
  2. 01/01/2010 This book contains a number of examples of research methods that can be used by researchers as possible approaches to be adapted and modified for the specific research in question. But it also contains a number of questions that need to be answered in the course of the Captured program. We...
  3. 19/05/2015 Une approche d'apprentissage participatif, appliquée à chaque étape d'un projet de développement communautaire, est cruciale pour atteindre le niveau de participation des parties prenantes nécessaire pour un changement durable et positif. L'utilisation de méthodes d'enquête et de planification...
  4. 18/11/2015 Are you someone who plans? Have you ever had your plans disrupted by the unexpected – farmer or family change, community change, government change, or disaster? How do you feel about change and disruption – is it a threat or an opportunity? Let’s explore together how disruption and even disaster...
  5. Presented at the ECHO International Agriculture Conference 2015 Are you someone who plans? Have you ever had your plans disrupted by the unexpected – farmer or family change, community change, government change, or disaster? How do you feel about change and disruption – is it a threat or an...
  6. 17/11/2015 This workshop will give participants an opportunity to learn more from a evaluation done six years after finishing a 10-year promotion of amaranth initiative that World Renew spearheaded in East Africa through their partnerships, especially in Kenya and Uganda. It will go over the scope, purpose,...
  7. 15/09/2013 The Participatory Approach: Illustrations from Experience New Seed Bank Additions
  8. 20/01/2017 What is extension? Traditionally extension has been an approach where information from researchers has been transferred to farmers through extension personnel. The information flow in that case was top down (from researchers to farmers). The assumption was that farmers lack knowledge and hence...
  9. 29/01/2019 La 25e conférence internationale annuelle de ECHO sur l'agriculture s'est tenue en novembre 2018. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une brève description de quelques-unes des séances plénières du matin. Pour celles-ci et d'autres, des vidéos et des présentations de diapositives sont disponibles sur...