1. 01/01/2004 La production de semences et l'entretien des cultivars végétaux par les petits paysans a reçu de plus en plus d'attention cette dernière décennie. La dominance croissante d'entreprises multinationales pour le commerce de semences, la controverse au sujet de l'inénierie génétique et la...
  2. 01/01/2000 This booklet gives a description of the main storage pests together with preventive and protective practices. Special attention is given to the use of natural materials in protecting storage productions. Also included is some information on chemical treatment of stored products against pests. #18...
  3. Ressource principale
    09/02/2018 Les régimes alimentaires traditionnels incluaient une grande variété d’ingrédients provenant d’une multitude de plantes sauvages et domestiquées. Les espèces indigènes du milieu local et d’autres plantes provenant d’autres milieux éloignés qui ont été progressivement adaptées ont forgé les...
  4. Vigna umbellata is a nitrogen-fixing perennial legumeoften grown as an annual. Depending on the variety, V. umbellata presents as vining, bush, or semi-erect forms, reaching heights of 30-200 cm. Produces 7.5-12.5 cm long pods. V. umbellata seeds vary in color from green-yellow to red to black. A...
  5. Chickpea is a very drought-tolerant, nitrogen-fixing, cool season crop that tolerates heat during fruiting and ripening. It is grown as a cool season annual in a broad belt through the Mediterranean region to the subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, Europe, Central, and South America. The...
  6. Vigna unguiculata is a grain legume that originates in Africa. Attributes such as vine shape (climbing, prostrate, or semi-erect), seed color (shades of white, pink, brown, and black), and seed maturation time (60 to 240 days) vary with variety. Pods appear in V-shaped pairs.It is an important...
  7. Phaseolus vulgaris is a vining (indeterminate) or bush-type (pseudo-determinate) herbaceous annual. Vining types are perennial and reach 2-5 m in length. Bush-types are annuals and reach heights of 20-60 cm. Pubescent leaves are trifoliate, present alternately on the stem, and range from green to...
  8. Soybean is an annual, nitrogen-fixing, nutritious, bean crop grown mainly as a pulse and for oil used for human consumption and many industrial uses. It is a very day length sensitive crop with varieties developed for many different latitudes. Soybeans are also used a fresh vegetable. Soy sauce,...
  9. Lentils are a low-growing, nitrogen-fixing herbaceous annual and are among the oldest of cultivated crops. Lentils are well adapted to semi-arid growing conditions in the cool season of warm temperate regions. They also tolerate subtropical climates and high elevation tropical environments.
  10. Horse gram is a dense, low-growing, nitrogen-fixing, annual crop grown for forage and human consumption. It is usually sown as an intercrop but can also be used as a green manure or cover crop. It will tolerate drought conditions, poor soil, and some salinity.