1. Ressource principale
    20/01/2011 Pour plus de 30 ans passés que nous continuons à travailler avec les petits fermiers en Afrique Centrale, nous nous sommes jouis de merveilleuse luxuriance de ses forets, savanes, et rivières. En plus, nous avons été privilégiés de connaitre d’innombrables groupes ethniques, avec différentes...
  2. TheProvision of Adequate Tree Seed Portfolio in Ethiopiaproject, led by World Agroforestry (ICRAF), has so far successfully established 14 breeding seed orchards in different parts of the country. The project is supported by the Norwegian International Climate and Forest Initiative represented by...
  3. This manual provides low-cost technology suitable for small-scale Asian farms. The system of orchard management it recommends has proved highly successful on small farms in Vietnam, Taiwan and other Asian countries with warm, humid climates, where citrus orchards are under heavy pressure from...
  4. Abstract, International Clinical Pathology Journal, 2017 SK Thind, Punjab Agricultural University, India India is the second largest producer of fruits in the world, contributing 10% of the total production. But, the total production is quite below (45.496million tons from 37.96million hectares)...