1. Plants have two ways of reproduction, sexual by means of seeds, and asexually or vegetatively by means of vegetative tissue. Both ways occur in living plants in nature. In nature, some plants reproduce mainly vegetatively while others rely almost totally on sexual reproduction. For the plant...
  2. 01/01/1998 The objective of this course is to provide a basic understanding of the following topics: reproductive cycles, see origin, seed collection, seed maturity, collection and postharvest care, seed extracting, insect and disease problems, seedstorage, seedlot sampling, test, and rapid viability...
  3. AccessAgriculture Training Video La sélection variétale participative ou PVS est une méthode par laquelle les différents acteurs sont impliqués dans l'identification des contraintes et la sélection de nouvelles variétés parmi les centaines crées par les sélectionneurs de riz. Pendant trois années...
  4. Ressource principale
    01/06/2010 Seeds naturally have a place in almost any endeavor having to do with agricultural development. Seeds of most food plants are small and, as such, are more easily transported and can be shipped longer distances than vegetative cuttings. For the farmer, seeds represent the promise of a continued...
  5. Ressource principale
    21/01/2000 Habituellement, les Nord-américains n’ont aucune idée qu’il existe des différences marquées entre l’horticulture des pays tempérés et des pays tropicaux. J’ai personnellement eu une telle expérience lorsque j’ai déménagé de l’Ohio en 1981 pour devenir le directeur d’ECHO. J’avais déjà acheté des...
  6. 01/01/1989 Maize (Zea mays; corn) is the third most important food crop in the world, surpassed onlyby two other grains, wheat and rice. Maize is a widely adapted crop, capable of production during the appropriateseason in almost all parts of the world where farming is done. Maize is represented by...
  7. 26/04/2019 Lors de la conférence internationale sur l'agriculture organisée par ECHO en 2014, Dr Laura Meitzner Yoder a donné une conférence plénière intitulée «Cultiver des liens: tirer des enseignements des systèmes de semences locaux, et encourager l'échange de semences au sein de la communauté.» La...
  8. 08/02/2017 Smallholder farmers in rural African villages rely on their home-grown seeds for more than 85% of their needs. Due to various reasons, small holder farmers are enticed or forced to use seeds from commercial companies which create dependency. Seed saving has challenges. For farmers to produce...
  9. 08/05/2017 ECHO reguguarly keeps track of crop porduction records especially for crops disseminated from our Global Seed Bank. This fillable form is the sheet ECHO staff (mainly interns) use when evaluating a crop for it's potential use and distribution to ECHO's Network. This form can also be used to...
  10. 01/01/2020 A comparison trial of okra species and varieties was conducted at the ECHO farm in North Fort Myers (zone 9a/10b), Florida. Thirteen varieties ofAbelmoschus esculentumand two varieties ofAbelmoschus cailleiwere evaluated for pod production and taste. Plants were started from seed in trays, with...