Les EVCC sont des cultures à croissance rapide qui couvrent et protègent le sol, et sont laissées comme paillage ou enfouies pour enrichir le sol. Les légumineuses sont privilégiées pour leur capacité à fixer l’azote. Elles peuvent être semées, mais certaines forment des racines au niveau des nœuds et peuvent être établies à partir de boutures. ECHO ne fournit pas d’inoculum pour les légumineuses. Une note technique d’ECHO est disponible à propos des Engrais verts cultures de couverture.

  1. Sword Bean Canavalia gladiata

    pois sabre rouge

    Canavalia gladiata is a perennial, fast-growing, heavily producing, climbing legume. It is widely cultivated in the humid tropics of Southeast Asia, but remains a minor vegetable elsewhere. Plants can reach 10 m in length with a deep, penetrating root system. Leaves are trifoliate, similar to...
  2. Desmanthus Desmanthus virgatus

    Desmanthus is aperennial, nitrogen-fixing tropical shrub that can be used as a green manure/cover crop and as fodder for livestock. This shrub is adaptable to a range of environments and is tolerant of drought.
  3. Sesbania Sesbania rostrata

    Sesbania rostrata is an annual—or short-lived perennial—legume used as a green manure cover crop and fodder species for livestock. Growing to heights of 3 m, S. rostrata is one of the few legumes that produces nodulated stem tissues for further colonization by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Leaves of...
  4. American Joint Vetch Aeschynomene americana

    american joint vetch

    L’Aeschynomene americana provient des Caraïbes et des régions limitrophes des Amériques. Cette espèce est également présente en Amérique du Sud jusqu’en Argentine, et en Amérique du Nord, notamment dans le sud de la Floride. Elle a été introduite en Asie du sud-est, dont au Vietnam, en Thaïlande...
  5. Tarwi Lupinus mutabilis

    Tarwi is an erect, annual, cool-seasonnitrogen-fixing plant that grows up to 2.5 m in height. For human consumption, the seeds must be soaked in water for several days to remove bitter alkaloids. The seeds are high in protein, pressed for oil, and fed to livestock. Tarwi is a good green manure or...
  6. Cereal Rye Secale cereale

    Secale cereale is an upright, annual, cool season, grain-bearing grass. A tufted grass with hollow stems, S. cereale reaches heights of 2 m. The blue-green leaves are borne on tillers, supported by extensive root systems that extend up to 2 m in the soil. Spike flowers give way to heads of pale...
  7. Pois cajan Cajanus cajan

    pois cajan, pois d'angole, pois congo, pois pigeon

    The Pigeon pea probably originated in tropical Africa but is now popular in SE Asia, the Caribbean, east and west Africa and the tropics of the U.S. It is a shrubby, drought-tolerant, fast-growing legume with a long tap root and a mass of fibrous roots. It can grow up to 4 m. (13’ ) in height but...
  8. Bambara Groundnut Vigna subterranea

    Vigna subterranea is an annual, herbaceousnitrogen-fixing legume of particular importance throughout semi-arid Africa. Leaves are trifoliate and are borne along creeping stems that extend along the ground surface. Flowers are yellow and butterfly-shaped, similar to other legumes. Upon...
  9. Jicama Pachyrhizus erosus

    Jicama is a perennialnitrogen-fixing vine thatreaches10 m in lengthand is grown for the edible tuber. Jicama is also used as fodder, green manure, or cover crop.The tuber is edible and is mainly a starch/carbohydrate source, relatively low in calories. The leaves and mature beans contain...
  10. Beach Bean Canavalia rosea (formerly maritima)

    Canavalia rosea is a leguminous, drought, and salt tolerant vine adapted to growing under very dry and hot conditions. Vines are widely distributed on beaches and dunes in the tropics and subtropics, as well as in western and northern Australia. They can reach lengths of 6 m, with a compact...
  11. Fish Bean Tephrosia vogelii

    Fish bean is a short-lived perennial, semi-woodynitrogen-fixing plant that growsup to 3 m in height. Itis used for green manure, erosion control, and mulch. It is known to contain rotenoids and can be used as an insecticide and fish poison. Fish bean should NOT be used as fodder for animals.
  12. Glycine Neonotonia wightii

    Glycine is a perennial, vining, nitrogen-fixing, green manure or cover crop that may be grown to suppress weed growth, improve the soil nitrogen supply, and slow soil erosion. It is also a forage crop that can be grown in pure stands for hay or in a mixed pasture system.
  13. Agati Sesbania grandiflora

    Sesbania grandiflora is a small, fast-growing, nitrogen-fixing tree, that can grow to 10 m height in 3-4 years. This plant is grown mainly as a green manure or cover crop but can also be used as forage for livestock.
  14. Horse Gram Macrotyloma uniflorum

    Horse gram is a dense, low-growing, nitrogen-fixing, annual crop grown for forage and human consumption. It is usually sown as an intercrop but can also be used as a green manure or cover crop. It will tolerate drought conditions, poor soil, and some salinity.
  15. Grass Pea Lathyrus sativus

    Grass pea is an annual, vining or climbing, drought-tolerantnitrogen-fixing plantup to 1 m in height. It is adapted to cooler temperaturesand higher altitudes in the tropics.Grass peas are an excellent leguminous crop for dry and poor soils. They are very drought tolerant, growing when other...
  16. Sesbania sesban Sesbania sesban

    Sesbania is a fast-growing, nitrogen-fixing perennial, growing to 7 m in height. It is typically found in wet locations and can withstand water logging and flooded conditions. Sesbania is used as a cover crop or green manure, coppices readily, provides light fuelwood, and good forage for...
  17. Arachis pintoi Arachis pintoi

    arachis pintoi

    L’arachide sauvage est cultivée dans l’ensemble des tropiques et sub-tropiques humides ainsi que dans les tropiques en altitude.
  18. Adzuki Bean Vigna angularis

    haricot adzuki

    Adzuki bean is a bushingor vining, nitrogen-fixingannual plant that is moderately drought tolerant. This bean grows best in temperate climates or higher altitudes in the tropics. The young pods, fresh seeds, and dry beans are used for human consumption.
  19. Calliandra Calliandra calothyrsus

    Calliandra is a vigorous, nitrogen-fixing, bushy tree that can be fast-growing on poor soils. The tree responds well to coppicing, is a good fuelwood source and the leaves provide excellent fodder. Calliandra is used to enrich soil and provide stability on steep slopes.
  20. Hairy Indigo Indigofera hirsuta

    Hairy indigo is a reseeding annual, nitrogen-fixing, erect, bushy plant, up to 2.5 m in height. It is used as a forage, summer fallow, green manure, or cover crop.
  21. Cowpea Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata

    niébé, pois yeux noirs dolique mongette

    Vigna unguiculata is a grain legume that originates in Africa. Attributes such as vine shape (climbing, prostrate, or semi-erect), seed color (shades of white, pink, brown, and black), and seed maturation time (60 to 240 days) vary with variety. Pods appear in V-shaped pairs.It is an important...
  22. Pois mascate arbustif Mucuna pruriens

    pois mascate arbustif, fève de velours, poil à gratter, pois du bengale

    Les formes arbustives du pois mascate se développent rapidement, mais ont une habitude de croissance plus compacte que les types volubiles. Les feuilles sont grandes et trifoliées avec des folioles latérales de 7 à 15 cm de long, et de 5 à 12 cm de large. Les fleurs sont violet clair ou blanches,...
  23. Pois mascate volubile Mucuna pruriens

    pois mascate volubile, pois du bengale

    Les formes volubiles du pois mascate croissent rapidement, avec des vrilles grimpantes ou rampantes de 6-8 m de long. Les feuilles sont grandes et trifoliées avec des folioles latérales de 7 à 15 cm de long, et de 5 à 12 cm de large. Les fleurs sont violet clair ou blanches, ce qui donne des...
  24. Runner Bean Phaseolus coccineus

    haricot d'espagne

    Phaseolus coccineus is a perennialvining legume from the highlands of Central America. Due to its showy red flowers, P. coccineus is often grown as an ornamental, though nearly all parts of the plant are ediblegiven the appropriate preparations. A climbing vine, P. coccineus reaches heights of...
  25. Mexican Sunflower Tithonia diversifolia

    Mexican sunflower is a woody perennialwith showy yellow flowers growing to 3 m in height. It can be used as an ornamental, a hedge, a compost ingredient, a fodder, a green manure, and a soil erosion control. Mexican sunflower is known to be efficient in extracting phosphorus from the soil. Green...
  26. Fava Bean Vicia faba


    Vicia faba is an annual herbaceous plant in the legume family, usually considered to contain three subspecies: V. faba subsp. major (broad bean), V. faba subsp.equina (horse bean), and V. faba subsp. minor (tick bean or pigeon bean). Plants are upright, reaching heights of 1.5-2 m. Leaves of V....
  27. Hairy Vetch Vicia villosa

    vesce velue

    Native to Europe or western Asia, Vicia villosa is suited to cooler climates. It is a viny legume with longsoft hairs on the stems and leaves. Branchingstems/vines are prostrate (30-70 cm), but can climb (up to 1-2 m) the stalks of any neighboring plants. Stems support long hanging groups of...
  28. Prickly Sesban Sesbania bispinosa

    Prickly sesban is a fast-growing, annual, nitrogen-fixing shrub, growing up to 2 m in one season. It is valuable for soil improvement, erosion control, firewood, forage, fiber, and as a green manure/cover crop.
  29. Slender Leaf Rattlebox Crotalaria ochroleuca


    Crotalaria ochroleuca is an annual herbaceous plant utilized for fiber, forage, and as a green manure cover crop. Reaching heights of 2.5 m, C. ochroleuca bears long, slender, trifoliate leaves and five-petalous blooms (banner, wing, and keel) similar to other legumes. Short-day flowering.
  30. Flemingia Flemingia macrophylla

    Flemingia macrophylla is a perennial, deep-rooted, woody, nitrogen-fixing shrub up to 2.5 m in height. It is useful for shade, and for soil conservation and improvement as an alley crop, green manure, or cover crop.
  31. Siratro Macroptilium atropurpureum

    The exact origin of this crop is not known but it is commonly grown from southern Texas south to Peru. It was named “Siratro” and first hybridized in the early 1960’s.
  32. White Lupine Lupinus albus

    White lupine is a cool season, nitrogen-fixing, bushyannual plant that grows up to 1.6 m in height and is adapted to higher altitudes in the tropics. It is mainly used for forage, green manure, or cover crops, but non-toxic modern varieties have been developed for human consumption. The beans are...
  33. Tropical Kudzu Pueraria phaseoloides

    Tropical kudzu is a perennial, vigorous, deep-rooted, vining or climbingnitrogen-fixing plantwith vines up to 10 m long. This crop tolerates high water levels (even occasional water logging), grows well in the dry season, and can tolerate acidic soils and shade. It is used as a forage, green...
  34. Sunn Hemp Crotalaria juncea

    Crotalaria juncea is an annual herbaceaous plant utilized for fiber, forage, and as a green manure cover crop. Reaching heights of 3.5 m, C. juncea bears long, slender, trifoliate leaves and typical, butterfly-shaped blooms similar to other legumes.
  35. Le pois-sabre Canavalia ensiformis

    le pois-sabre

    Le pois sabre est originaire des Antilles et de l'Amérique centrale. Il ressemble beaucoup au haricot-épée, à Canavalia gladiata, et à l'espèce sauvage prédominante africaine, Canavalia virosa. Le pois sabre est maintenant largement répandu dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales bien qu'il...
  36. Butterfly Pea Clitoria ternatea

    Clitoria ternatea is a climbing, vining, tropical legume. Leaves are pinnately compound, each bearing 5-7 leaflets. Flowers occur in singles or pairs, are 4 cm wide, and are colored deep blue or solid white. These give way to pubescent, flat pods, that, upon maturation, dehisce (split and burst...
  37. Rice Bean Vigna umbellata

    Vigna umbellata is a nitrogen-fixing perennial legumeoften grown as an annual. Depending on the variety, V. umbellata presents as vining, bush, or semi-erect forms, reaching heights of 30-200 cm. Produces 7.5-12.5 cm long pods. V. umbellata seeds vary in color from green-yellow to red to black. A...
  38. Lablab Lablab purpureus

    lablab, pois boucoussou, pois antaque, pois indien

    On considère généralement que le lablab est originaire de l’Asie du Sud-est. Cependant, certains spécialistes sont de l’avis qu’il provient de l’Afrique, où il est connu depuis le huitième siècle. Le lablab est aujourd’hui cultivé dans l’ensemble des régions tropicales et sous-tropicales.
  39. Mung Bean Vigna radiata

    Vigna radiata is an annual, erect or semi-erect legume, reaching heights up to 1.25 m. V. radiata produces 4-30 yellow or green flowers per cluster that become pubescent pods. Leaves are alternate and trifoliate.