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  1. 2011-01-20 This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants of Lowland Nigeria. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are...
  2. Dimagi built afree template applicationfor CommCare which fully implements the WHO FFX Protocol for contact tracing and case investigation to support rapid deployment of COVID-19 Response solutions. More than 200 organizations accessed the template in the first 24 hours since it was released, and...
  3. TheNigerian Veterinary Journal(NVJ) has been in existence since 1971. The NVJ is published by the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA) as part of the association's commitment to the advancement of Veterinary Medicine in Nigeria and other parts of the world, with a general view of...
  4. This animation explains how to transport grains using best practices for bulk transportation. It deals with how to prepare the truck beds and the use of tarps to minimize postharvest losses during transportation of the grain. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a university based...
  5. This animation explains how to transport grains using best practices for bulk transportation. It deals with how to prepare the truck beds and the use of tarps to minimize postharvest losses during transportation of the grain. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a university based...
  6. 瘧疾的元兇是一種經由母瘧蚊的叮咬傳染給人類的寄生蟲。感染虐疾的人會出現以下症狀:高燒,冷顫,腹部疼痛,頭痛,以及精神疲倦。任何人在出現上述的症狀後,都應前往最近的醫療院所就診。瘧疾可能造成嚴重的併發症,特別是在嬰兒與幼童身上。預防瘧疾最重要的措施即是避免蚊蟲的叮咬。在家妥善的將蚊帳架置在床鋪或睡覺的空間周圍,以保護自己免受蚊蟲干擾也很重要。這部影片說明了正確的使用蚊帳可以幫助人們在夜晚不必擔心瘧蚊的叮咬。
  7. This animation was created in collaboration with the Nigerian Ministry of Health, Nigeria CDC, and the UN Communications Team in Nigeria. This animation dispels common myths about Coronavirus and COVID-19. Stay informed, know the facts, do not share false information - together we can spread the...
  8. 2016-04-12
  9. Fingerling production and availability of quality fish feeds have been bottlenecks for development of fish farming inNigeria for the past 40 years. Over the past several years, private sector fingerling production has increased from more than 30 million per year in 2001 to more than 30 million...
  10. The Journal is devoted primarily to pure and applied research and provides a medium for the publication of investigations in all aspects of Parasitology. The Journal will publish original research and technical studies carried out in the country, as well as works and documents from foreigners...
  11. Nigeria Health Watch uses informed advocacy and communication to influence health policy and seek better health and access to healthcare in Nigeria. We seek to amplify some of the great work happening in the health sector, challenge the bad, and create a space for positive ideas and action....
  12. Cowpea bruchids (Callosobruchus maculatus) can cause damage to cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) seeds in storage, resulting in post-harvest losses. In the animated video we describe a solarization technique for killing cowpea bruchids before the seeds are stored. Scientific Animations Without Borders...
  13. 伊波拉是一種由伊波拉病毒引起的致命性疾病。目前還沒有治療的方法或預防的疫苗。雖然它非常的危險,並且會讓人在很短的時間內就死亡,我們仍然可以做些事情來阻止它的擴散。早期治療可以增加受感染者的存活率。本影片提供了有關伊波拉疾病的症狀、散播方式、以及我們可以如何作來阻止它的擴散。
  14. 落吐症是垃儳水裡底的細菌所引起的一種腸仔感染,受汙染的食品或拿被汙染的水去戽水
  15. Shea butter is an ivory colored or yellowish fat that is extracted from nuts of the shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa), which is found in West Africa. Shea butter is used in cosmetics including moisturizer as well as foods such as chocolate. Additionally, it has been used in medicinal ointments. The...
  16. Abstract,International Journal of Agricultural Research, 2007 Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the potential use of jackbean (Canavalia ensiformis) forage as a feed supplement for West African dwarf goats in the derived savannah zone of Nigeria. In experiment 1, the forage production...
  17. 2022-01-20 Submitted by the author for publication on ECHOcommunity : 2022 Yusuf Olufade No book on beekeeping can cover everything about such a vast subject, and so a decision was taken to steer the reader towards the practical rather than the theoretical side of the subject. It is hoped that, by doing so,...
  18. Olawuyi, S. O., Ijila, O. J., Adegbite, A., Olawuyi, T. D., & Farayola, C. O. (2024). Smallholder Farmers’ Use of Indigenous Knowledge Practices in Agri-food Systems: Contribution of Food Security Attainment Drive.Research on World Agricultural Economy,5(2), 45–67....

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