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  1. Abstract, International Journal of Food Science, 2020 Some tropical countries in the Southeast Asia are rich in exotic fruits with worldwide acceptance, such as mango, orange, snake fruit, durian, jackfruit, rambutan, and avocado. In addition to their abundant production, those fruits are also...
  2. Abstract Moringa oleifera Lam (Moringaceae) is a very useful tree in tropical countries. In Folklore and Ayurvedic all parts of the tree used in different healing procedure for different diseases. The plant leaves are very good nutrient supplement for malnutrition and also used as an antibiotic....
  3. Advantages and challenges of multi-storey cropping systems Why vegetables and fruits are required for the daily diet Fruits and vegetables in the Ethiopian diet What we need to eat to stay healthy Nutrition information on local vegetables and fruits Priority vegetable species for multi-storey...
  4. TheBean Institutewebsite is designed to provide nutrition, health, and culinary information and resources for four distinct audiences: consumers and home cooks; nutrition and health educators; culinary and foodservice professionals; and school nutrition professionals.
  5. In Niger, a social enterprise is using local plants that are resistant to the arid climate of the Sahel to produce nutritious food. The result is better incomes for farmers and a preserved environment. The nutritional value of the leaves, flowers, fruit and seeds of some 15 wild plants are being...
  6. Does taking moringa cause side effects? Before asking this question, stop thinking of moringa as a medicine and think of it as what it really is, a nutritious vegetable. Replace your question with the name of your favorite nutritious vegetable, for example “Are there side effects from eating...
  7. 22/2/2018 Vegetales y Polvos de Hojas Verdes para Mejorar la Nutrición en Honduras PerfilBiografico: Elioena Arauz,Artistas para la Sopa, Nicaragua Ecos de nuestra Red: Sistema de Pocilga Profunda RecursosdeInformación deECHO: Sobre Hortalizas de Hojas Verdes Nota Técnica: "Conectando Agrigultores de...
  8. Recurso clave
    1/6/1985 El árbol de marango, Moringa oleifera, probablemente ha sido la planta más popular de cultivos tropicales subutilizados del banco de semillas de ECHO. El árbol es nativo de la India pero ha sido sembrado en todo el mundo y se ha naturalizado en muchas localidades. El marango es conocido con...
  9. This 2010 video presents the stories of Ugandans who have benefited from the promotion of grain amaranth for its nutritive value in combatting the symptoms of HIV/AIDS.
  10. ABSTRACT The present study was conducted to investigate the presence of biochemical contents viz., proximate and micronutrient analysis in the leaves of Moringa oleifera Lam. The biochemical contents were determined by different biochemical methods. Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves confirmed the...
  11. Abstract Moringa oleifera Lam (Moringaceae) is a plant with high nutritional and medicinal value. Native to India, it is now widely distributed throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Its different parts are sources of proteins, vitamins and minerals and present different...
  12. In this short video we expose a little bit of the beauty and wealth of Guatemala as a Megadiverse country, and present Chaya as an ancient superfood to combat malnutrition today.
  13. In Japan, many a story lies behind a simple query of "What is that plant"? Unwittingly, whilst in Japan you may have eaten it or worn it, or you may have admired its relations in your Western Jardens. Within these pages visitors and residents, as well as plantsmen, will find much hitherto...
  14. This pamplet discusses the deep attachment that Tahitians have to their plants.
  15. 23/1/2015 A practiculture way to grow nutrient-dense food, produce healthy fats, and live the good life The Nourishing Homesteadtells the story of how we can create truly satisfying, permanent, nourished relationships to the land, nature, and one another. Ben and Penny Hewitt offer practical ways to grow...
  16. 20/5/2012 Cómo combatir la desnutrición y mejorar la seguridad alimentaria con verduras de hoja. Author David Kennedy is the founder and Director of this non-governmental organization. All proceeds from the sale of this book go to support Leaf for Life programs. 95 pages, illustrated
  17. Abstract,Journal of Functional and Environmental Botany, 2011 Pigeonpea is a tropical grain legume grown mainly in India. Though largely considered an orphan crop, it has a huge untapped potential for improvement both in quantity and quality of production in India. More than any other legume...
  18. Abstract,The Internet Journal of Nutrition and Wellness, 2007 Proximate, amino acid and mineral composition of Citrullus lanatus (egusi melon) flour were determined using standard analytical procedures. The proximate composition analysis of egusi melon showed that the seed contained (% dry...
  19. Abstract, International Scholarly Research Notes, 2014 Bamboo shoots are considered as one of the useful health foods because of their rich contents of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fibres, and minerals and very low fat. Though bamboo shoots provide lots of health benefits, their consumption...
  20. 20/10/2013 Quinoa was a staple food of the Quechua and Aymara peoples in the Andes region of South America; today it is mainly grown in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador. Because of its high nutritional value, quinoa is called chisiya, meaning ‘mother grain’ in the Quechua language. Quinoa is known for its great...
  21. La judía sable es una planta excelente para enriquecer el suelo ya que crece bajo condiciones muy difíciles. Sin embargo, los granos contienen toxinas que normalmente los vuelve no aptos para el consume humano. Este documento describe como germinar la judía sable para eliminar las toxinas y...
  22. 1/1/1978 This purpose of this work is to encourage research on alternative food sources in order to reverse the Malthusian theory that population growth will deplete our food supplies. Over 900 references are cited.
  23. Recurso clave 15/8/1998 Vibrant color photos of fruits, flowers, leaves, and whole plants made it alluring for rural Amazonians, who appreciated seeing pictures of many of the plants they use to fashion crafts, roofs, food, and medicine. For their part, ecologists and botanists enjoyed the convenience of viewing the...
  24. Abstract, UNAM , 2016 In Mexico, obesity and malnutrition have become a severe public health problem. As a result, a return to nutritional surplus crops, such as amaranth, has emerged as an alternative to improve the population’s diet and mitigate malnutrition-related problems in Mexico....
  25. 20/4/2006 This exceptionally nutritious, high protein grain, that requires less rainfall than corn, has potential as a staple for the general population plus seems to offer special value in managing diseases such as HIV/AIDS.The Amaranth family contains more than 60 species (most of them wild) and...
  26. 19/2/1983 There is no doubt, based on the content of nutrients, that amaranth seed and leaves are exceptionally nutritious. Amounts of vitamin C, iron, carotene, calcium, folic acid and protein are especially high in the leaves. There are reports that the incidence of blindness in children due to poor...
  27. Abstract,Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, 2016 Chenopodium quinoaWilld, known asquinoa, has been cultivated and consumed by humans for the last 5,000-7,000 years. Quinoa was important to pre-Columbian Andean civilizations, as the Incas considered it a gift from their gods. Quinoa has...
  28. 20/1/2009 Porridges are made by boiling traditional starchy foods such as cornmeal, rice, oatmeal, potato, or ground sorghum in water. However, it can be difficult for infants to swallow. Enzymes in malted barley flour (germinated barley seeds that have been carefully dried and ground into a powder) can...
  29. 20/1/2010 Sprouting seeds for food involves germinating them by first soaking them, then putting them in a moist, warm environment for a few days, rinsing them at least twice a day. Over the years, sprouting has been mentioned to us as a beneficial and easy method of increasing the nutrition of cereal and...
  30. Abstract, Journal of Immunology Research, 2015 The benefits of garlic to health have been proclaimed for centuries; however, only recently haveAllium sativumand its derivatives been proposed as promising candidates for maintaining the homeostasis of the immune system. The complex biochemistry of...
  31. Abstract, Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, 2014 Throughout history, many different cultures have recognized the potential use of garlic for prevention and treatment of different diseases. Recent studies support the effects of garlic and its extracts in a wide range of applications. These...
  32. Miracles in Action(Milagros en Acción) posee folletos sobre la chaya que están disponibles en inglés y español. Una colección de recetas para la chaya en español también está disponible para su descarga: Chaya Folleto – Español Chaya brochure – English Recetas con Chaya En Milagros en Acción...
  33. Purslane, orPortulaca oleracea, is a garden weed that is edible and has many health benefits. Find out the benefits of the purslane plant here, and get a purslanerecipe! PURSLANE HEALTHBENEFITS Like many other weeds, purslane is not onlyediblebut also far more nutritious than many of the crops...
  34. This video tells the story of Grain Amaranth - its growth and use. In addition, here is alinktoa video, filmed in Uganda in 2010----with testimonials by people living with AIDS. Their testimonials have also been validated by at least one controlled health study in Kenya.
  35. Chaya belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. It is native to the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico, where it grows naturally in thickets and open forests. It is widely cultivated in Mexico and Central America, often planted in hedges and home gardens. It has been introduced to southern Florida and...
  36. 19/12/1998 Una receta común para mejorar la nutrición, especialmente entre los niños, consiste en promover en la dieta de lapoblación la incorporación de hortalizas hojosas verdioscuras, cultivadas en huertos familiares. Existe unavariedad tremenda de hortalizas hojosas originarias del trópico, sabrosas y...
  37. Abstract, RUFORUM, 2018 Malnutrition is one of the most serious problems throughout the world and children are especially vulnerable to it. The aim of this research is to formulate foods fortified with baobab fruit pulp and moringa leaf powder for under-five-years old children. Specifically, the...
  38. Abstract - HindawiJournal of Chemistry Moringa oleiferais a tree distributed in Mexican semiarid and coastal regions.M. oleiferais used in practice in the treatment of various diseases and is available without a medical prescription, often in the form of an herbal infusion for everyday use. The...
  39. Moringa oleifera, native to India, grows in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It is commonly known as ‘drumstick tree’ or ‘horseradish tree’. Moringa can withstand both severe drought and mild frost conditions and hence widely cultivated across the world. With its high nutritive...
  40. Abstract -Kathryn A. Witt PhD, RD, LDN Messiah College Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Despite considerable interest in the use of Moringa oleifera as a nutrient source, gaps and inconsistencies in the information on the nutrient content of this interesting plant remain. There are many...
  41. 20/1/2021 Las plantas perennes son una clase de cultivos con gran potencial para ocuparse de retos como las deficiencias alimentarias, la falta de biodiversidad de los cultivos y el cambio climático. Si bien algunas especies individuales de plantas han sido objeto de atención significativa (por ejemplo, el...
  42. PAI is happy to announce our latest publication, a collaboration with six farms, gardens, and educational projects in Denmark, Sweden, and the US. We tested the nutrition of 14 species of cold-climate perennial vegetables, with a focus on species for which only incomplete data were available, or...