1. Abstract, Molecules, 2018 Background:Adansonia digitataL. (Malvaceae), also known as baobab, is a tree attracting recent interest especially due to the high nutritional value of the fruit pulp. However, few studies are reported on the secondary metabolite content, showing high variability...
  2. 20/9/2015 This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants of Angola. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very...
  3. AccessAgriculture Training Videos El jugo hecho de la pulpa del fruto de baobab es saludable y puede agregarse a las papillas y salsas. Sin embargo, la calidad de la pulpa baja si los frutos no son bien manipulados durante la cosecha y después. Cuando los frutos de baobab son dañados y tienen...
  4. AccessAgriculture Training Video Comparado con otros alimentos, la pulpa de baobab contiene altos niveles de minerales, como calcio, hierro y magnesio, como también vitamina C. Es rica en fibra. Es buena para la salud humana y reduce el riesgo de enfermedades. Debido a estas propiedades, las...
  5. 1/1/1987 This publication reports on the land reclaimation project undertook by the Bamburi Portland Cement Company on their grounds. The species which grew best in the disused quarries were Casuarina equisetifolia and Conocarpus lancifolius. 2 copies 54 pages, illustrations, pictures
  6. 1/1/2002 96 pages, illustrated, photos
  7. 1/4/2009 Indigenous (naturally occurring) and traditional (introduced in the past and incorporated into the culture) leafy vegetables are often greatly under-utilized. In many areas, the knowledge and use of indigenous leafy vegetables (ILVs) has declined as vegetables such as cabbage, tomatoes and...
  8. Los árboles de baobab (árbol botella o árbol del pan de mono) son árboles grandes y robustos que se originan en África y se encuentran en áreas áridas a semiáridas. El baobab suele crecer hasta 20-30 metros (m) de altura con un diámetro de 2-10 m. El árbol se utiliza como alimento, forraje,...
  9. 20/10/2009 Under EU [European Union] legislation, any food that has not been commonly eaten in Europe prior to 1997 is classified as a ‘novel food’ and must gain special approval before it can be used in products for the European market
  10. 1/4/2009 Aflatoxin in the Diet Makes the Progression of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis Much Worse How Can a Diet Rich in Phosphorus Lead to Phosphorus Deficiency and Other Deficiencies? Effect of Neem Leaf Extract on N-Fixing in Beans Artemisia in the News Again Baobab Gardens for "Leaf Production Indigenous...