1. This book is broken into four chapters: 1. an outline history of vitamin A deficiency disorders and of the discovery of the vitamin, gives an account of the main events, 2. a personal odyssey, forms the main part of the book. It includes the author'sexperiences when he was living and working in...
  2. This handbook is the latest in the diverse range of information tools produced over the last few years by Sight and Life. Its primary aim is to present the knowledge contained in existing lecture and pictorial material, some of which has been reworked, in a form that practitioners can put to...
  3. This book is intended for nutrition intervention program and development planners, as well as students from related disciplines. Although it is quite clearly written, some sections, for example parts of Chapter 2, have details that will be of less interest to the development planner, but will be...
  4. This thesis describes research on the role of foods for improving vitamin A status of breastfeeding women in Indonesia.
  5. This practical step-by-step guide for conducting assessments in communities on the various aspects of natural food sources of vitamin A will create data helpful for programs that aim to alleviate vitamin A deficiency. The manual, prepared in co-operation with the Committee on Nutrition and...
  6. 19/7/1994 Dried Moringa leaves have significant amounts of beta carotene.
  7. 20/4/2014 La consuelda es una planta única y perenne que requiere un mínimo de mantenimiento luego de plantada y que puede proporcionar rendimientos altos y sostenidos de hojas ricas en nutrientes para ser usadas como fertilizante, alimento para animales y más.
  8. 20/1/2010 Sprouting seeds for food involves germinating them by first soaking them, then putting them in a moist, warm environment for a few days, rinsing them at least twice a day. Over the years, sprouting has been mentioned to us as a beneficial and easy method of increasing the nutrition of cereal and...
  9. In a perfect world, everyone would have access to nutritious, affordable food. However, as Rick Bates knows, there is no such thing as utopia when it comes to food security, as millions of people around the world have limited food resources. One of those places is Cambodia in Southeast Asia, one...