1. Access Agriculture Training Video Effective weed control can increase yields by more than 50%. As a farmer it is therefore worthwhile taking a closer look. In this video you can learn how to control weeds most effectively. Available languages Arabic Ateso Bangla Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja English...
  2. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las líneas de piedra forman terrazas de manera natural a medida que captan sedimentos. También se construyen para rehabilitar tierras erosionadas. Los agricultores en Kenia muestran cómo construyen líneas de piedra. Idiomas disponibles Español Francés Inglés...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Based on hard real-life experience, the women of Maria village have devised some very effective techniques for seed preservation. So why not learn from some of these innovative women. Available languages Ateso Bambara Bangla Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja English...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video Participatory varietal selection or PVS is a method that allows different stakeholders to get involved in identifying constraints and selecting new varieties out of the hundreds developed by rice breeders. During three years multiple stakeholders are involved in...
  5. AccessAgriculture Training Video Los granos de maíz tienen que estar muy secos y limpios antes de almacenarlos. Los granos permanecerán libres de plagas y enfermedades durante mucho tiempo en un silo metálico, si los guarda correctamente. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Bangla Español Francés Inglés...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video It is important to pull striga weeds with your hands before the time it produces seeds and spreads. As it is laborious, better reduce the number of striga plants by applying compost or manure, and by rotating or intercropping with non-cereal crops, such as...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video The parasitic weed striga causes more damage to cereal crops in poor soils, so both problems have to be tackled together. In this video we will learn why it is important to combine at least three control methods to reduce striga and obtain a good yield of...
  8. AccessAgriculture Training Video En las sabanas semi-áridas donde la lluvia es limitada y sumamente impredecible, el retener más agua en el suelo puede marcar la diferencia entre una cosecha buena y mala. Usted puede disminuir la velocidad del agua de escorrentía al establecer bordes a nivel. Los...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video Effective weed management can increase yields by more than 50%, but usually takes a lot of time. As a farmer it is therefore worthwhile investing in labour-saving weed management tools. In this video you can learn how to control weeds in lowland rice using the...
  10. AccessAgriculture Training Video En la sabana costera de África Occidental, los agricultores explican cómo un cultivo de cobertura de mucuna les ayuda a revivir su suelo altamente degradado, y suprime las malezas nocivas estriga e Imperata. Muestran cómo producirlo para beneficiar a su maíz y...
  11. Access Agriculture Training Video How do land preparation and water management affect crop establishment, weed management and rice yields? In this video you can learn the answers to these and other questions. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available languages English French Kiswahili...
  12. Access Agriculture Training Video Why not try the technique of seed flotation before sowing your seed. By using this technique any poor seeds which have been attacked by insects will float to the top, leaving the good seed on the bottom. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available...
  13. Access Agriculture Training Video Intercropping or rotating cereal crops with legume crops are two of the strategies of integrated striga and soil fertility management. But keeping quality legume seed has two major challenges. First, the seed easily loses its ability to germinate. And second, we...
  14. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in northern Nigeria are changing the way they intercrop their sorghum and millet with cowpea. By planting both crops at higher densities and in separate rows, and by applying some organic and mineral fertilizer, they harvest more and reduce damage by the...
  15. Access Agriculture Training Video During weekly visits, and supported by their extension agent, a farmer field school in Tanzania learns how to test different sorghum varieties for striga resistance and evaluate how each one performs under different practices. Available languages Amharic Arabic...
  16. Access Agriculture Training Video In this video, you can learn how to prepare a seedbed, as establishing a good seedbed is needed to obtain strong seedlings and give your rice crop a good start. Let’s look at it step by step. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available languages Ateso...
  17. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers face great difficulties with drying their seeds because seed absorbs moisture from the soil. As a result, seed quality deteriorates, and no-one can expect good yields by using poor quality seed. In this video you can see how farmers of Maria village...
  18. AccessAgriculture Training Video El análisis económico ayuda a los agricultores a saber cuánto dinero ganarán o perderán al cambiar de una tecnología a otra, o de una práctica a otra. Eso les ayuda a tomar una decisión para el siguiente año acerca de cuál práctica quieren probar en sus parcelas....
  19. Access Agriculture Training Video Legumes are important in crop rotations, because they reduce weeds and enrich the soil by partnering with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil. To be sure your soil has the right bacteria, you can buy an inoculant of Rhizobium bacteria. Rhizobium bacteria can...
  20. Access Agriculture Training Video Flood tolerant rice is the solution for flood prone areas. In this video, we will take a closer look at how to select suitable rice varieties, use quality seeds, grow healthy and vigorous seedlings and manage your field after flooding. Available languages Bangla...
  21. AccessAgriculture Training Video Al mantener barreras vivas con flores alrededor de sus parcelas, se cuida la vida de la nina nina y de otros insectos buenos. Y es más fácil producir quinua sin insecticidas y conservar nuestro suelo fértil. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Español Francés Inglés...
  22. Access Agriculture Training Video There are many problems with poor seed, and spotted and discoloured seed are some of the major ones. Spotted seeds can't be removed by winnowing or seed flotation. They can only be removed by manual sorting. This video will show you how to clean seed as one of...
  23. Access Agriculture Training Video Compost is more powerful than manure. What is less known is that the micro-organisms in compost attack striga seeds in the soil. Compost also decreases the amount of striga that will sprout, and reduces its negative effect on cereal crops. Let us look at how...
  24. Access Agriculture Training Video Small scale farmers can struggle to keep their soil healthy, and often resort to buying fertilisers to improve their yield, but with a bit of extra work to make compost, yield can be increased naturally and the soil improved year by year. To turn your rice straw...
  25. Access Agriculture Training Video Raised beds must be 20 to 30 centimetres high, 80 to 100 centimeters wide and the furrows 30 to 40 centimeters wide. The beds can be 50 to 100 meters long depending on the slope of the field. Because the beds are wide, water is channelled faster through the land,...
  26. Access Agriculture Training Video Although rice is highly nutritious, a lot of the quality is lost during processing. This results in poor-quality rice on the market, so consumers turn to imported rice. In this video you can learn about parboiling, a way to improve the quality of rice by treating...
  27. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in India show how the disease first appears in the leaf tip. Finally, the plant dries up. Non-chemical methods can be used to control this disease. Available languages Bambara Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja Dioula English French Hindi Marathi Mooré Tamil
  28. Access Agriculture Training Video False smut fungus causes chalkiness of rice grains, and negatively affects milling, cooking and eating. By applying a range of agroecological practices, you can avoid disease infestation in your rice crop. Available languages English French Tamil
  29. Access Agriculture Training Video Unless you identify the pest at an early stage, much of the crop can be lost.By combining different organic methods, you will harvest a lot more rice and make more money. Available languages English French Tamil
  30. Access Agriculture Training Video Rust diseases spread through wind and can rapidly develop in cool, wet weather. To know if your crop has rust disease, rub over the infected plant part to see if a yellow, brown or black powder sticks to your fingers. By combining organic methods, you will be...
  31. AccessAgriculture Training Video Además del granero de barro mejorado, se puede usar silos metálicos o bolsas recomendadas para guardar el maíz. También se pueden usar barriles, o si usted no tiene nada de eso, use sacos corrientes, pero hay que agregar un preservante, porque las gangochas no son...
  32. Access Agriculture Training Video Legumes like pigeon peas take nitrogen from the air and deposit it into the soil. When pigeon peas are intercropped the root nodules release valuable nitrogen to the other crop. Any roots, leaves or stems of the pigeon pea plant that stay in the field also help...
  33. AccessAgriculture Training Video Comparado con otros alimentos, la pulpa de baobab contiene altos niveles de minerales, como calcio, hierro y magnesio, como también vitamina C. Es rica en fibra. Es buena para la salud humana y reduce el riesgo de enfermedades. Debido a estas propiedades, las...
  34. AccessAgriculture Training Video Su maíz está maduro cuando las hojas están secas y amarillas. Empiece a cosechar las variedades mejoradas primero y termine con las variedades locales que son más resistentes a las plagas. Pele su maíz en el campo para evitar traer las plagas a la casa. Seleccione...
  35. AccessAgriculture Training Video Si mantiene su suelo sano y siembra temprano, sus plantas serán fuertes y menos vulnerables a los insectos y mohos. Una vez que el maíz está seco, coseche dentro de las próximas dos semanas. Que las mazorcas sanas no toquen el suelo, si no los mohos llegarán a su...
  36. AccessAgriculture Training Video Ya que está en juego la salud de nosotros y de nuestros animales, aprendamos de agricultores experimentados en Tanzania cómo secar y almacenar bien nuestro maíz. Idiomas disponibles: Bambara Chichewa / Nyanja Dholuo Dioula Español Francés Hausa Inglés Kikuyu...
  37. AccessAgriculture Video Tres etapas son importantes para guardar y administrar el maíz en bodega. Primero hay que preparar la bodega, luego guardar los productos sobre pallets y tercero hacer seguimiento y manejar el inventario en la bodega. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Chichewa / Nyanja Dendi...
  38. AccessAgriculture Training Video Aprovechando a los amigos de los agricultores y de las plantas locales, para que la naturaleza le ayude a manejar el cogollero y sacar una buena y sana cosecha. Idiomas disponibles: Amhárico Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga Dholuo Dioula Español...
  39. Access Agriculture Training Video A direct seeded rice crop requires less water, labour and money compared to transplanted rice. It also matures one to two weeks earlier when all other crops are still in the field. Available languages Bangla English French Hindi
  40. AccessAgriculture Training Video Una práctica tradicional centroamericana es doblar el tallo del maíz para ayudar a secar el maíz y protegerlo de las enfermedades y el daño de plagas. Si usted lo hace en el momento apropiado, cosechará más. Los granos de maíz siguen creciendo hasta que aparezca...
  41. AccessAgriculture Training Video Fumigar con plaguicidas es caro y muchas veces no controla esta plaga. Visite su parcela dos veces a la semana durante las primeras 6 semanas y mate a mano las masas de huevos y cogolleros jóvenes. Es importante Idiomas disponibles: Amhárico Bambara Bangla...
  42. AccessAgriculture Training Video Ciertos mohos crecen en el maní, el maíz y otros alimentos. Esos mohos producen un veneno llamado aflatoxina. Para tener manís (cacahuates) sanos es importante cuidarlos durante toda su producción, pero especialmente en el secado y en el almacenamiento. Idiomas...
  43. AccessAgriculture Video Seque su maíz antes de desgranarlo. Ventéelo sobre un toldo y selecciónelo. Seque el maíz de nuevo a pleno sol sobre un toldo, removiéndolo a menudo. Antes de guardar el maíz, el sonido hecho por los granos le puede indicar cuando está bien seco. Enfriar los granos antes...
  44. AccessAgriculture Training Video Sin aire, el maíz finamente cortado se fermenta sin podrirse. Los microorganismos digieren los azúcares en el forraje y produce ácido láctico, que preserva el ensilaje de forma natural. La clave para hacer ensilaje es dar las condiciones para una buena...
  45. AccessAgriculture Training Video Ahorrar agua, tierra y mano de obra, teniendo un crecimiento rápido y abundante de forraje nutritivo que mejorará su ganado. Esas son las ventajas de la producción de forraje hidropónico. Idiomas disponibles Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga Español...
  46. AccessAgriculture Training Video Como individuos, los agricultores tienen falta de recursos para invertir, o para enseñarse de la Agricultura de Conservación. Este video muestra un grupo en Kenia que se ha juntado para compartir conocimiento y equipo y para ayudarse entre ellos. Idiomas...
  47. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las estacas de madera son el apoyo más fuerte para los frijoles trepadores y se pueden usar durante varias campañas, pero hay mucha demanda para los palos, en la construcción y para leña. Los agricultores en el sudoeste de Uganda nos muestran diferentes maneras de...
  48. Access Agriculture Training Video Increasing plant populations by reducing the planting distance is a key step to achieving a uniform crop stand and a high yield. On the other hand, when plants are too close to each other this can hamper good crop development. The plants will be thin and will be...
  49. AccessAgriculture Training Video El objetivo principal es reducir costos y mejorar la rentabilidad. La salud del suelo se mejora igual que la humedad del suelo. Zambia es el líder en África subsahariana y este programa muestra cómo se practica la técnica. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Birmano...
  50. Access Agriculture Training Video One of the major parasites is striga, a weed that sucks the juice and nutrients from cereal crops such as millet, sorghum and maize and causes great yield losses. A single striga plant can produce hundreds of thousands of seeds. The seeds are so tiny that most...
  51. AccessAgriculture Training Video La mancha de asfalto es una seria plaga del maíz. Para prevenirla, es importante quemar los rastrojos del año anterior, o sembrar su maíz en tierra que no tuvo maíz el año anterior. Algunas variedades de maíz son resistentes a esta enfermedad. Idiomas disponibles...
  52. Access Agriculture Training Video Yields are much higher when rice is transplanted. Compared to broadcasting, yields are two or three times higher. So why not watch this video and find out how and why. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available languages: Ateso Burmese Chichewa /...
  53. AccessAgriculture Training Video En el distrito de Tororo en Uganda, la tierra se ha usado intensivamente y la fertilidad del suelo es baja y está empeorando. Este video muestra una alternativa - el uso de la orina como abono. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Español Fon Francés Inglés Kiswahili...
  54. Access Agriculture Training Video Legumes like cowpea or soya bean are a source of protein, essential to build children’s muscles. Legumes also have oil, which helps children to put on weight. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals that are important for the development of your...
  55. Access Agriculture Training Video What steps can be taken to make sure that locally grown rice can compete against imports? Improving quality which can lead to increased profits for farmers. Available languages Ateso Bambara Bangla Bariba Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja English Fon French Kiswahili...
  56. AccessAgriculture Training Video En la semi-árida África Occidental, los agricultores y pastores explican por qué y cómo los árboles y el ganado son cruciales en la obtención de suelos y cultivos productivos. En Níger y Ghana son también estrategias del manejo integrado de estriga y de la...
  57. Access Agriculture Training Video The organic coat protects your seed from birds and insects, and gives the young seedlings extra moisture and nutrients. You can also sow coated seeds much earlier, before the rains start. Available Languages: English,French,Mooré,Tamil
  58. Access Agriculture Training Video The main aim is to reduce costs and improve profitability. Soil health is improved as is soil moisture. Zambia is leading the way in Sub-Saharan Africa and this programme shows how the technique is practiced. Available Languages: Arabic,Bambara,Bemba,Burmese,...