1. Access Agriculture Training Video Effective weed control can increase yields by more than 50%. As a farmer it is therefore worthwhile taking a closer look. In this video you can learn how to control weeds most effectively. Available languages Arabic Ateso Bangla Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja English...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video Stone lines induce a natural process of terracing as they trap sediments. They are also built to rehabilitate eroded lands. Farmers in Kenya show how they construct stone lines. Available languages Arabic English French Spanish
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Based on hard real-life experience, the women of Maria village have devised some very effective techniques for seed preservation. So why not learn from some of these innovative women. Available languages Ateso Bambara Bangla Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja English...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video Participatory varietal selection or PVS is a method that allows different stakeholders to get involved in identifying constraints and selecting new varieties out of the hundreds developed by rice breeders. During three years multiple stakeholders are involved in...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Maize grains have to be very dry and clean before you store them. The grains will stay free of pests and diseases for a long time in a metal granary, if you store them correctly. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla English French Kiswahili Spanish
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video É importante arrancar a estriga daninha com as mãos antes que elas produzam sementes e se espalhem. Como isso é trabalhoso, aconselha-se reduzir o número de estrigas, aplicando composto ou esterco e rotacionando ou consorciando com culturas não cerealíferas, como...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video A estriga parasita causa mais danos às culturas de cereais em solos pobres, por isso ambos os problemas devem ser enfrentados em conjunto. Neste vídeo, aprenderemos por que é importante combinar pelo menos três métodos de controle para reduzir a estriga e, assim,...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video Nas savanas semiáridas, onde as chuvas são limitadas e altamente imprevisíveis, a retenção de mais água no solo pode fazer a diferença entre uma colheita pobre e uma boa colheita. Você pode retardar o escoamento da água, criando cordões de contornos, que são...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video O manejo eficiente de ervas daninhas pode aumentar a produtividade em mais de 50%, mas isso geralmente leva muito tempo. Como agricultor, portanto, vale a pena investir em ferramentas de manejo de ervas daninhas que poupam trabalho. Com este vídeo, você aprende...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video Na savana costeira da África Ocidental, os agricultores explicam como uma cobertura de mucuna ajudou a revitalizar o solo altamente degradado e eliminar as ervas daninhas estriga e imperata. Eles mostram como cultivá-la para beneficiar o milho e a mandioca e por...
  11. Access Agriculture Training Video How do land preparation and water management affect crop establishment, weed management and rice yields? In this video you can learn the answers to these and other questions. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available languages English French Kiswahili...
  12. Access Agriculture Training Video Why not try the technique of seed flotation before sowing your seed. By using this technique any poor seeds which have been attacked by insects will float to the top, leaving the good seed on the bottom. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available...
  13. Access Agriculture Training Video O consórcio ou rotação de culturas de cereais com leguminosas é uma das estratégias de manejo integrado da estriga e fertilidade do solo. Mas manter sementes de leguminosas de qualidade apresenta dois desafios principais. Primeiro, a semente perde facilmente sua...
  14. Access Agriculture Training Video Agricultores do norte da Nigéria estão mudando a maneira como consorciam o sorgo e o painço com o feijão-de-corda. Ao plantar ambas as culturas em densidades mais altas e em fileiras separadas, aplicando algum fertilizante orgânico e mineral, eles colhem mais e...
  15. Access Agriculture Training Video Durante as visitas semanais e com o apoio de seu agente de extensão, uma escola agrícola na Tanzânia aprende como testar diferentes variedades de sorgo para resistência a estrigas e avaliar o desempenho de cada uma delas de acordo com diferentes práticas. ...
  16. Access Agriculture Training Video In this video, you can learn how to prepare a seedbed, as establishing a good seedbed is needed to obtain strong seedlings and give your rice crop a good start. Let’s look at it step by step. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available languages Ateso...
  17. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers face great difficulties with drying their seeds because seed absorbs moisture from the soil. As a result, seed quality deteriorates, and no-one can expect good yields by using poor quality seed. In this video you can see how farmers of Maria village...
  18. Access Agriculture Training Video A análise econômica permite que os agricultores saibam quanto dinheiro ganhariam ou perderiam ao mudar de tecnologia ou prática. Isso os ajuda a decidir qual prática querem experimentar em suas lavouras no ano seguinte. Idiomas disponíveis Amárico Ateso Aymara...
  19. Access Agriculture Training Video Legumes are important in crop rotations, because they reduce weeds and enrich the soil by partnering with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil. To be sure your soil has the right bacteria, you can buy an inoculant of Rhizobium bacteria. Rhizobium bacteria can...
  20. Access Agriculture Training Video Flood tolerant rice is the solution for flood prone areas. In this video, we will take a closer look at how to select suitable rice varieties, use quality seeds, grow healthy and vigorous seedlings and manage your field after flooding. Available languages Bangla...
  21. Access Agriculture Training Video By keeping live barriers with flowers around your fields, you help to protect the wasps and the other good insects. And it is easier to produce quinoa without insecticides while conserving our fertile soil. Available languages Arabic Bambara English French...
  22. Access Agriculture Training Video There are many problems with poor seed, and spotted and discoloured seed are some of the major ones. Spotted seeds can't be removed by winnowing or seed flotation. They can only be removed by manual sorting. This video will show you how to clean seed as one of...
  23. Access Agriculture Training Video O composto é mais poderoso do que o esterco. O que poucos sabem é que os microrganismos do composto atacam as sementes da estriga no solo. O composto também diminui a quantidade de estriga que brotará e reduz seu efeito negativo nas plantações de cereais. Vejamos...
  24. Access Agriculture Training Video Small scale farmers can struggle to keep their soil healthy, and often resort to buying fertilisers to improve their yield, but with a bit of extra work to make compost, yield can be increased naturally and the soil improved year by year. To turn your rice straw...
  25. Access Agriculture Training Video Raised beds must be 20 to 30 centimetres high, 80 to 100 centimeters wide and the furrows 30 to 40 centimeters wide. The beds can be 50 to 100 meters long depending on the slope of the field. Because the beds are wide, water is channelled faster through the land,...
  26. Access Agriculture Training Video Although rice is highly nutritious, a lot of the quality is lost during processing. This results in poor-quality rice on the market, so consumers turn to imported rice. In this video you can learn about parboiling, a way to improve the quality of rice by treating...
  27. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in India show how the disease first appears in the leaf tip. Finally, the plant dries up. Non-chemical methods can be used to control this disease. Available languages Bambara Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja Dioula English French Hindi Marathi Mooré Tamil
  28. Access Agriculture Training Video False smut fungus causes chalkiness of rice grains, and negatively affects milling, cooking and eating. By applying a range of agroecological practices, you can avoid disease infestation in your rice crop. Available languages English French Tamil
  29. Access Agriculture Training Video Unless you identify the pest at an early stage, much of the crop can be lost.By combining different organic methods, you will harvest a lot more rice and make more money. Available languages English French Tamil
  30. Access Agriculture Training Video Rust diseases spread through wind and can rapidly develop in cool, wet weather. To know if your crop has rust disease, rub over the infected plant part to see if a yellow, brown or black powder sticks to your fingers. By combining organic methods, you will be...
  31. Access Agriculture Training Video Apart from the improved mud granary, you can also use metal silos or bags recommended for storing maize. You can also use drums, or if you do not have any of these, use regular bags, but you should add a conservation agent, as regular bags are not airtight. ...
  32. Access Agriculture Training Video Legumes like pigeon peas take nitrogen from the air and deposit it into the soil. When pigeon peas are intercropped the root nodules release valuable nitrogen to the other crop. Any roots, leaves or stems of the pigeon pea plant that stay in the field also help...
  33. Access Agriculture Training Video Compared to other foods, baobab pulp contains very high levels of minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium as well as vitamin C. Furthermore, it is rich in fibre. It is good for human health and reduces the risk of diseases. Due to these properties, baobab...
  34. Access Agriculture Video Your maize is mature when the leaves and the husks start to dry and turn yellow. Start harvesting improved varieties first and end with local varieties which are more resistant to pest attacks. Dehusk your maize in the field to avoid bringing pests to your home. Properly...
  35. Access Agriculture Training Video By keeping your soil healthy and by planting early, your plants will be strong and less vulnerable to insects and moulds. Once the maize is dry, harvest within the next two weeks. Keep the healthy ears off the ground, otherwise moulds will get on your maize and...
  36. Access Agriculture Training Video As our health and the health of our animals are at stake, let us learn from experienced farmers in Tanzania how to properly dry and store our maize. Available languages: Arabic Bambara Chichewa / Nyanja Dholuo Dioula English French Hausa Kikuyu Kinyarwanda /...
  37. Access Agriculture Video Armazenar e gerenciar o estoque em um armazém envolve três etapas importantes. Devemos primeiro preparar o armazém, depois armazenar os produtos em paletes e, por fim, acompanhar e gerenciar o estoque no armazém. Idiomas disponíveis Bambara Chichewa / Nyanja Dendi...
  38. Access Agriculture Training Video Se fizer bom uso dos amigos dos agricultores e das plantas locais da fazenda, a natureza o ajudará a controlar a lagarta-do-cartucho e o recompensará com uma colheita boa e saudável. Idiomas disponíveis Amárico Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga...
  39. Access Agriculture Training Video A direct seeded rice crop requires less water, labour and money compared to transplanted rice. It also matures one to two weeks earlier when all other crops are still in the field. Available languages Bangla English French Hindi
  40. Access Agriculture Training Video A traditional Central American practice is to bend over the maize stalk to help dry the maize and to protect it from disease and pest damage. If you do this at just the right time, you will harvest more. Maize grains keep growing until a black spot appears at the...
  41. Access Agriculture Training Video A pulverização de pesticidas é cara e geralmente não consegue controlar essa praga. Visite sua plantação duas vezes por semana durante as primeiras 6 semanas e mate todas as massas de ovos e lagartas-do-cartucho jovens com a mão. É importante fazer a verificação...
  42. Access Agriculture Training Video Certos fungos crescem em amendoim, milho e outros alimentos. Esses fungos produzem um veneno chamado aflatoxina. Para obter amendoins saudáveis é importante cuidar do amendoim durante todo seu crescimento, mas principalmente durante a secagem e armazenamento....
  43. Access Agriculture Video Seque seu milho antes de descascá-lo. Selecione o milho em uma lona e separe-o. Seque seu milho sob o sol quente em uma lona, virando-o regularmente. Antes de armazenar os grãos, meça o nível de umidade, verificando o som produzido pelo grão. Deixe o grão esfriar antes de...
  44. Access Agriculture Training Video Without any air, finely chopped green maize ferments without rotting. This is because micro-organisms digest the sugars in the fodder and produce lactic acid, which acts as a natural preservative. The key to making silage is to create the right conditions for a...
  45. Access Agriculture Training Video Saving water, minimum land use, less labour, faster growth, giving a high yield of highly nourishing fodder that will improve your livestock. These are the key benefits in hydroponic fodder production. Available Languages Arabic Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga...
  46. Access Agriculture Training Video As individual farmers lack resources to invest in, or learn about, Conservation Agriculture. This video shows a group in Kenya that has come together to share knowledge and equipment and to assist each other. Available languages Arabic Bambara English French...
  47. Access Agriculture Training Video Wooden stakes are the strongest support for climbing beans and can be used for many seasons, but wood is in high demand for construction and fuel wood. Farmers in southwest Uganda show us different ways of staking beans, with or without wood. Available languages...
  48. Access Agriculture Training Video Increasing plant populations by reducing the planting distance is a key step to achieving a uniform crop stand and a high yield. On the other hand, when plants are too close to each other this can hamper good crop development. The plants will be thin and will be...
  49. Access Agriculture Training Video The main aim is to reduce costs and improve profitability. Soil health is improved as is soil moisture. Zambia is leading the way in Sub-Saharan Africa and this programme shows how the technique is practised. Available languages Arabic Bambara Burmese English...
  50. Access Agriculture Training Video Um dos principais parasitas é a estriga, uma erva daninha que suga o sumo e os nutrientes das culturas de cereais como painço, sorgo e milho, causando grandes perdas de rendimento. Uma única estriga pode produzir centenas de milhares de sementes, que são tão...
  51. Access Agriculture Training Video Maize tar spot is a serious pest of maize. To help prevent it, it is important to burn the crop residues from the previous year, or plant your maize in land that did not have maize the year before. Some maize varieties are resistant to this disease. Available...
  52. Access Agriculture Training Video Yields are much higher when rice is transplanted. Compared to broadcasting, yields are two or three times higher. So why not watch this video and find out how and why. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available languages: Ateso Burmese Chichewa /...
  53. Access Agriculture Training Video Land in Tororo district in Uganda has been intensively used and the soil fertility is low and declining. This video shows a possible solution - using urine as a fertiliser. Available languages Arabic Bambara English Fon French Kiswahili Luganda Peulh / Fulfuldé...
  54. Access Agriculture Training Video Legumes like cowpea or soya bean are a source of protein, essential to build children’s muscles. Legumes also have oil, which helps children to put on weight. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals that are important for the development of your...
  55. Access Agriculture Training Video What steps can be taken to make sure that locally grown rice can compete against imports? Improving quality which can lead to increased profits for farmers. Available languages Ateso Bambara Bangla Bariba Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja English Fon French Kiswahili...
  56. Access Agriculture Training Video No semiárido da África Ocidental, agricultores e pastores explicam por que e como as árvores e o rebanho desempenham um papel essencial na obtenção de solo e lavoura produtivos. No Níger e em Gana, essa é uma das estratégias de manejo integrado da estriga e...
  57. Access Agriculture Training Video The organic coat protects your seed from birds and insects, and gives the young seedlings extra moisture and nutrients. You can also sow coated seeds much earlier, before the rains start. Available Languages: English,French,Mooré,Tamil
  58. Access Agriculture Training Video The main aim is to reduce costs and improve profitability. Soil health is improved as is soil moisture. Zambia is leading the way in Sub-Saharan Africa and this programme shows how the technique is practiced. Available Languages: Arabic,Bambara,Bemba,Burmese,...