1. 2/10/2023 Los cultivos en los bancos de semillas de ECHO se seleccionan por su capacidad para crecer en condiciones difíciles y por su importancia potencial para el pequeño productor. Las semillas de ECHO se prueban anualmente para determinar los porcentajes de germinación, una medida de la viabilidad de...
  2. 1/1/2013 Nursery Management: Tree Propagation and Marketing A Training Manual for Smallholder Farmers and Nursery Operatorsaims to facilitate the learning process by incorporating practical activites that provide better and clearer understanding of the principles involved in nursery establishment and...
  3. 1/2/2003 This Manual is the second in a series of readable, well illustrated handbooks about propagating and planting tropical trees.The five Manuals have been designed to provide clear and concise information on how to select, grow, plant and care for tropical trees, in both moist and drier parts of the...
  4. 1/1/1984 A Pocket Directory of Trees and Seeds in Kenya was compiled to answer two basic tree-planting questions: which trees are the best to plant in my particular climate type? And where do I get the seeds or their seedlings? Ninety tree species are described, along with their best climate types. For...
  5. 1/1/1999 This document was prepared to emphasize the importance of high-quality and true-to-type seedlings as a component of integrated production and pest management (IPPM) for increased crop productivity. The text reviews the current technologies for the production of healthy and vigorous transplants...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Use quality seeds in a seedbed of one meter wide. Make furrows about every 15 cm. Do not sow too many seeds too close together or the seedlings will be too tall and weak and they will break easily when transplanted. Protect the seedbed from the hot sun and hard...
  7. AccessAgriculture Training Video En Benín nos muestran cómo sembrar ocra. Ponga no más de 2 a 3 semillas en cada hueco y siembre a distancias apropiadas para la circulación de aire y permitir que las plantas se desarrollen bien. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Chichewa / Nyanja Español Fon Francés...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video In this video, you can learn how to prepare a seedbed, as establishing a good seedbed is needed to obtain strong seedlings and give your rice crop a good start. Let’s look at it step by step. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available languages Ateso...
  9. The descriptions of the 90 weeds included in this publication are arranged in the order of the appearance of the weeds in the taxonomic key. Common and scientific names of the weeds are those indicated in the Composite List of Weeds published by the Weed Science Society of America.
  10. 1/1/1998 This manual is intended primarily to train seed collectors, seed-plant managers, seed analysts, and nursery managers, but it can serve as a resource for any training course in forest regeneration. It includes both temperate and tropical tree species of all intended uses. The manual covers the...