1. 3/3/2022 Featured in this AN Playing with Water Wheels: Exploring Low-Cost Methods for Pumping Irrigation Water A 'Successful Failure': Introducting SALT Technology in Northern Thailand Virtual Training Opportunities- email us at echoasia@echocommunity.org
  2. 1/3/2022 Dave had come to Thailand two years prior exactly for the opportunity that he was now presented with. Ethnic minority hillside farmers had been experiencing lower crop yields even with their efforts in using more chemical fertilizer.
  3. Agricultural Videos in Kreyol by Wayne Niles Publisher [United States]: ECHO Media: DVD Summary: Discussesraising rabbits, raising chickens, tire stove, goats, moringa, PVC pump, SALT, using oxen. Description: 1 disc30min
  4. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las líneas de piedra forman terrazas de manera natural a medida que captan sedimentos. También se construyen para rehabilitar tierras erosionadas. Los agricultores en Kenia muestran cómo construyen líneas de piedra. Idiomas disponibles Español Francés Inglés...
  5. Recurso clave
    1/1/2012 El Asia compone menos que la tercera parte (30%) de toda la tierra del mundo pero sostiene más que la mitad (56%) de la población mundial. Además, el promedio de la densidad poblacional del Asia se vuelve problema significativo a largo plazo cuando se considera la producción de comida. Algunos...
  6. Recurso clave
    1/1/2006 El Nivel A es una herramienta sencilla pero exacta para medir y construir curvas de nivel en una ladera o pendiente. Es útil para el establecimiento básico de sistemas agrícolas en laderas, tales como los sistemas S.A.L.T. (Tecnología de Pendientes en Tierras Agrícolas), así como también para...
  7. 1/5/2008 This report has three purposes. First, it reviews the global and national efforts to eliminate iodine deficiency disorders during the past two decades. And it shows how governments, the salt industry and communities, with UNICEF support, have made great progress in eliminating iodine deficiency...
  8. ECHO publications referenced in this document include ECHO Development Notes (EDN), East Africa Notes (EAN), Technical Notes (TN), and ECHO East Africa Symposium (EEAS) presentations. Technical Notes and EDN issues can be found by clicking on the “Publications” tab on ECHO’s networking site,...
  9. 1/10/2019 Understanding the current need for SALT technology. Most of the time, crop production and animal backyard raising go together, just to meet the economic need of the rural farmers. Right technology creates the right production and right production helps to uplift the economy of the farmers.
  10. 4/10/2019 Understanding the situation and condition of communities as well as individual farmers is key in developing a program that fits their needs. Every farmer has unique passions and desires in life, although all farmers desire development. We will explore how the Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center...