"El número de personas desnutridas en el mundo sigue siendo inaceptablemente alto, cerca de 925 millones. Los problemas de seguridad alimentaria mundial existen ahora y son especialmente preocupantes de cara al futuro, ya que se espera que la población mundial aumente en aproximadamente un 35 % en los próximos 40 años. La producción agrícola deberá aumentar de manera significativa para adaptarse a la población en aumento. Se espera que la mayor parte del incremento provenga de una mayor producción en las tierras agrícolas existentes (es decir, intensificación), aunque es probable que se necesiten algunas tierras agrícolas nuevas. Se puede aumentar el rendimiento de los cultivos y cerrar la brecha entre el rendimiento real y el alcanzable, mediante la implementación y el avance de numerosas prácticas y tecnologías, incluidas las prácticas de gestión de nutrientes y las tecnologías de fertilizantes. Una evaluación de estudios a largo plazo ha demostrado que el porcentaje promedio de rendimiento atribuible a los insumos de fertilizantes generalmente varió entre el 40 % y el 60 % en climas templados (EE. UU. e Inglaterra) y tendió a ser mucho mayor en los trópicos. A fin de cuentas, los fertilizantes inorgánicos desempeñan un papel fundamental en la seguridad alimentaria mundial, pero debe reconocerse que, en algunos sistemas, los rendimientos más altos son el resultado del uso de fuentes de nutrientes tanto orgánicos como inorgánicos. La adopción de los principios de las 4R (fuente de nutrientes adecuada a la tasa correcta, en el momento adecuado y en el lugar correcto) ayuda a garantizar el uso apropiado de los recursos de nutrientes y una productividad optimizada."

La seguridad alimentaria y el papel de los fertilizantes que la respalda

  1. 3/10/2022 El biofertilizante líquido (BLF por sus siglas en inglés; también conocido como fertilizante líquido orgánico; Figura 1) es popular entre la red de ECHO y pequeños productores de todo el mundo.La preparación de este fertilizante es más fácil que la de otras enmiendas en la finca, como el compost,...
  2. Recurso clave 1/7/1984 One aspect of ECHO's ministry is behind the scenes for most of our readers. We help college professors and students in the sciences identify research projects that would be of benefit to the small Third World farmer. Several ideas that could be done at an undergraduate level are written up in...
  3. Recurso clave
    20/1/2009 Todas las plantas necesitan de ciertos elementos minerales para el crecimiento y desarrollo adecuado, y mantenimiento. La estructura básica de todos los organismos es construido de carbono (C), oxigeno (O) e hidrogeno (H). Las plantas obtienen estos elementos del agua (H2O) en el suelo y del...
  4. Recurso clave
    1/1/2014 A fin de lograr niveles altos de productividad agrícola en los trópicos al más bajo costo posible tanto en términos económicos como ecológicos, necesitamos comprender adecuadamente la relación entre los nutrientes en el suelo y la productividad de los cultivos. Para que esto suceda, la...
  5. 20/1/2005 In our training seminars, every student gets a bottle of EME. We teach them by making it in class. They also are trained on how to use their bag of five different soil amendments. This encourages students to use them in the project that they have already started. Some students are just starting...
  6. 20/1/2005 Green fertilizer is Fundamental #5. It feeds the next crop efficiently. As you plow crop residue into the soil it will eventually become humus and fertilizer for following crops. It is a form of composting, in which materials do not need to be transported to a mixing/composting site. You could...
  7. 20/1/2005 With all the instant gratification available to the consumer these days, nature seems to take a long time. Stabilizing your soil, pasture and livestock areas don’t happen over night. Nevertheless, Microbial Management with foliar sprays and fertilizers can help in the transition.
  8. 1/8/2017 Faced with the challenges of smallholders in terms of agricultural inputs and the limitations of mineral fertilizer, ECHO's West Africa Impact Center has provided farmers with practical and economic knowledge. One example of this is the technique of manufacturing organic liquid fertilizer.
  9. 1/7/2004 Leímos un artículo en Appropriate Technology (Volumen 28, No. 3; Julio/Septiembre 2001) sobre agricultores en Níger que usaban tapas de botellas para distribuir pequeñísimas cantidades de fertilizante. A pesar de las condiciones de sequía, los agricultores que usaron esta técnica cosecharon de 50...
  10. 19/1/1997 Information about making bonemeal fertilizer from animal bones.
  11. 1/1/2020 Este estudio, llevado a cabo en ECHO durante el verano de 2011, se hizo para comparar la respuesta de la fructificación de la berenjena a las diferentes tasas de aplicación un fertilizante mineral estándar versus un compost de 6 meses con un 25% de estiércol de vaca y un 75% de materia vegetal...
  12. 20/4/2014 La consuelda es una planta única y perenne que requiere un mínimo de mantenimiento luego de plantada y que puede proporcionar rendimientos altos y sostenidos de hojas ricas en nutrientes para ser usadas como fertilizante, alimento para animales y más.
  13. 20/7/2008 Farmers in Nigerused bottle caps to distribute tiny amounts of fertilizer in each planting hole. Coca cola bottle caps hold 6 grams (0.2 oz) of fertilizer, and one capful was used for two to three plants.
  14. 19/7/1994 Nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied to trees and shrubs directly after transplanting.
  15. 20/7/2010 Alkalinity of Urine. Urine in storage can reach a pH of 9.0. HIV/AIDS. A person reading a draft of the urine article asked whether HIV/AIDS would be a concern with the use of urine as a fertilizer. Controlling the Odor of Urine. Dr. Arnat Tancho recommends mixing a small amount of microbial...
  16. 20/10/2010 Input from the ECHO network concerning the use of urine as a fertilizer.
  17. 1/4/2010 Este árbol, anteriormente clasificado como Acacia albida y también conocido como “manzana anular”, fue mencionado en un artículo sobre árboles agroforestales en EDN 84. El árbol muestra una fenología inversa de las hojas, perdiendo sus hojas al inicio de la estación lluviosa, justo cuando los...
  18. Lightning Talk, ECHO International Agriculture Conference, November 19, 2020 Bio liquid fertilizer, organic liquid fertilizer Hawken Sawyer and Lyle Carlson
  19. ABSTRACT - Journal of Composting Science and Utilization, 2017 Earthworm digested wastes (vermicompost) are being produced in increasing quantities to make farming sustainable. A study was carried out for two consecutive years (2007–09) at the Agricultural Experimental Farm of Indian Statistical...
  20. Recurso clave 1/1/1995 Fourteen chapters address various aspects of human waste or, as the editor puts it, the "by-products," of our increasingly urban and industrial society. Topics range from the societal, political, and regulatory issues associated with land application to more technical issues such as the negative...
  21. 20/1/2006 An expanding world population and the urgency of eradicating hunger and malnutrition call for determined policies and effective actions to ensure sustainable growth in agricultural productivity and production. Assured access to nutritionally adequate and safe food is essential for individual...
  22. Abstract -Procedia Engineering, 2012 The number of undernourished people in the world remains unacceptably high at about 925 million. Global food security issues exist now, and are especially of concern looking forward as world population is expected to increase by about 35% over the next 40...
  23. AccessAgriculture Training Video En el distrito de Tororo en Uganda, la tierra se ha usado intensivamente y la fertilidad del suelo es baja y está empeorando. Este video muestra una alternativa - el uso de la orina como abono. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Español Fon Francés Inglés Kiswahili...
  24. Android Welcome to the Fertilizer Optimizer app! This app will assist you in using fertilizer more efficiently to optimize your fertilizer investments. The app will ask you for information on crops grown, area planted, expected crop sale prices, fertilizers costs and the budget you have to invest...
  25. Abstract, Biogeosciences, 2015 There are national and regional efforts aimed at increasing fertilizer use in sub‐Saharan Africa, where nitrogen (N) inputs must be increased by an order of magnitude or more to reach recommended rates. Fertilizer inputs increase N availability and cycling rates and...
  26. In this article we examine the health hazards posed by nitrogen fertiliser use in developing countries and particularly three serious human disease, methaemoglobinaemia, gastric and bladder cancer. We then discuss the losses of nitrogen from fertilisers to water and the atmosphere and the...
  27. Papers presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Agronomy in Chicago, Illinois, Dec. 6, 1978. Here the authors review the current state of knowledge on the potential for N loss and the manner in which inhibitors function. They then offer an in-depth report on how inhibitors have...
  28. People call it in different ways: the new green revolution; renewed farm focus; global community's new commitment to agriculture. But the message is clear: while the agricultural landscape has been experiencing rapid changes, we must all adapt in order to attune ourselves to the call of the...
  29. 5/10/2017
  30. ABSTRACT - Journal of Compost Science and Utilization, 2017 The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of application of different organic fertilizers (general organic fertilizer, GOF; biogas residue, BR; refined organic fertilizer, ROF) as compared to no fertilizer on the composition of...
  31. 1/1/1960 This publication discusses the creation of mulch and how to use it.
  32. If you?re an agronomist, horticulturalist, plant and soil scientist, breeder, or soil microbiologist, you?ll want to read Nutrient Use in Crop Production to find everything you need to know about judicious nutrient management and maximizing nutrient utilization in the agricultural landscape. In...
  33. Nitrogen pollution of lakes, rivers, and oceans by human urine is a growing problem.Liquid Goldshows how urine can safely be used to grow food, fuel, fiber, and beautiful landscapes while protecting the environment and providing free and safe fertilizer. Featuring a short history of urine use—...
  34. This manual is the first in a series planned by the Regional Project, designed to give detailed, practical advice on the various methodologies of organic recycling.
  35. In the present guide certain questions are pose, and replies have been given which, we hope, are as clear and precise as possible. This document essentially constitutes an explanation of the role of phosphorus in the living world, in the soil, and in the life of platns, as well as the means of...
  36. Anaerobic digestion, or biodigestion, involves the microbial degradation of organic materials in an oxygen-free environment. Feedstocks for anaerobic digestion include livestock manures, crop residues, culled fruit and vegetables, food waste, and other organic by-products. The process produces...
  37. 20/6/2017 No, fertilizer as we normally think of it doesn’t grow on trees! But agroforesters and other agriculturalists are using this term for any tree that helps improve the quality of soil. One great exampleis the Apple Ring Acacia (Faidherbia albida). The Apple Ring Acacia is an unusual tropical...
  38. Access Agriculture Training Video For healthy crops you need a healthy soil, because a healthy soil contains many good microbes and earthworms. To prepare biofertilizer for half a hectare, you need 10 kg fresh cow dung, cow urine, flour from chickpeas or another pulse, jaggery or unrefined sugar,...
  39. Jayasinghe PS, Pahalawattaarachchi V, Ranaweera KKDS. Effect of Seaweed Liquid Fertilizer on Plant Growth of Capsicum annum. Discovery, 2016, 52(244), 723-734 Seaweed contains all the trace elements and growth hormones required by plants. Recently there is a growing concern over the use of...
  40. Access Agriculture Training Video Poultry waste is rich in nitrogen and other nutrients, and is good food for beneficial microbes in the soil. Mix it with decomposed cow dung and carbon-rich materials. To speed up decomposition, sprinkle organic decomposer or Trichoderma on the waste. From rotten...
  41. Citation: Prasedya, E.S.; Kurniawan, N.S.H.; Kirana, I.A.P.; Ardiana, N.; Abidin, A.S.; Ilhami, B.T.K.; Jupri, A.; Widyastuti, S.; Sunarpi, H.; Nikmatullah, A. Seaweed Fertilizer Prepared by EM-Fermentation Increases Abundance of Beneficial Soil Microbiome in Paddy (Oryza sativa L.) during...
  42. 16/11/2022 Session : This session goes over facts for the use of human urine as fertilizer, the safety considerations for the use of urine, Reducing risk, social, stigma, cropping system, regimented service functions, application systems, and more. Presenter :Missionary working in South Sudan with Christian...
  43. Panchagavya, an organic product has the potential to play the role of promoting growth and providing immunity in plant system. Panchagavya consists of nine products viz. cow dung, cow urine, milk, curd, jaggery, ghee, banana, Tender coconut and water. ---Tamil NaduUniversity
  44. Karl-Johan Bergstrand, Organic fertilizers in greenhouse production systems – a review, Scientia Horticulturae, Volume 295, 2022, 110855, ISSN 0304-4238, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110855. Abstract: From a sustainability point of view, there are strong arguments of nutrient recycling...
  45. IFDC is an independent non-profit organization that combines innovative research, market systems development, and strategic partnerships to spread sustainable agricultural solutions for improved soil health, food security, and livelihoods around the world.
  46. 1/1/1981 que Este boletín contiene fácil-a-siguen, bien-ilustró Las direcciones de por hacer el fertilizante probablemente con los materiales ser encontró en una situación del pueblo. Incluido es las instrucciones para que hace el fertilizante en un marco simple o recipiente, una lista, de posibles...

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