1. Document Reference: Munroe, Glenn. (2007). Manual of On-Farm Vermicomposting and Vermiculture. Org Agric Centre of Canada. This document includes information regarding the difference between vermiculture and vermicomposting, the five worm essentials, basic types of vericulture systems, and much...
  2. 20/9/2005 The contribution of small animals The advantages of small animals in farming systems Diversifying small farms in Cambodia Crop-goat integration in upland farming systems Improving livelihoods through vermicomposting Ecological breeding of guinea pigs Improving the performance of indigenous sheep...
  3. 1/1/1977 Covers new methods of putting worms to work for man.
  4. AccessAgriculture Training Video Con gangochos vacíos puede coser un recipiente. Ponga capas de materia orgánica en el recipiente, y humedezca. Introduzca las lombrices después de una semana. Tape la cama con gangochos y humedezca regularmente. Asegúrese que el compost esté en la sombra. Idiomas...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Vermiwash is the liquid that is collected after water passes through compost made by earthworms. It is rich in plant growth hormones, micro-nutrients, and major nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bariba Bemba...
  6. Recurso clave
    1/8/2010 Las lombrices pueden representar una adición lucrativa y beneficiosa en una operación agrícola de pequeña escala. Varias veces hemos mencionado el valor del compost enEDN. Aquí informamos sobre la producción de compost utilizando lombrices. El compost producido por lombrices, también llamado...
  7. Introduction to Vermiculture There are over 6,000 species of worms in the world, many of them not even named or studied. However, the farmer is interested in two main categories of earthworms, namely “deep burrowers” and “surface dwellers”. Deep burrowers include the common garden worm or...
  8. 28/3/2015 This book is for anyone interested in learning more about worm composting or anyone ready to start their own worm compost bin. Each chapter was written to provide worm composting beginners with clear, accurate information about major worm composting topics. You will learn how to build a worm bin,...
  9. Abstract,International Journal of Environment, 2017 Effective clearance of different types of waste has become significant to sustain healthy environment. Vermicomposting has become a suitable substitute for the safe, hygienic and cost effective disposal of organic solid wastes. Earthworms...
  10. 30/8/2019 Featured in this AN Backyard Vermicomposting Systems: Examples from Myanmar New Book Spotlight: Animal Integration and Feeding Strategies for the Tropical Smallholder Farm