1. 1/1/1985 Cada granjero y jardinero comprende que las plantas reciben algunos de su substancia de la tierra. Simplemente cuánta plantas dependen adelante la fertilidad de la tierra no siempre es obvia, sin embargo, porque tantos otros factores también influyen en el crecimiento de la planta--el agua, la...
  2. 20/3/2005 Energy use in agriculture Planting to catch more sunlight Biodigesters in ecological farming systems Biogas in Uganda Improving organic fertilizers Saving energy with better tools Biogas production with guinea pig manure Improving traditional water mills Clean energy for chilling milk Passive...
  3. 1/1/2002 Modalidades de los Servicios que prestan IDEAS a traves del Sub programa de Agricultura Sostenible. Desarrollo de un Plan Completo de Capacitacion. Se trata del desarrollo de modulos teoricos - practicos que se lleva a cabo en las instalaciones de la Escuela Campesina de Agricultura Sostenible,...
  4. 1/1/1998 *Disponible solo en español. Esta colección de 6 libros incluye información sobre: Plantaciones de arboles Bloques Nutricionales Manejo Integrado de Plagas Biodigestor Abonos Organicos Manejo seguro de plauicidas
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video You can prepare a basic natural growth promotor with locally available ingredients, such as cow dung, ghee, milk, urine, sugar and ripe bananas. To further strengthen the growth promotor you can also add an extract made from urine and aromatic leaves so that it...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Integrated soil fertility management is based on maximising the use of organic fertilizers and minimizing the loss of nutrients. Available Languages: Bemba,Chichewa / Nyanja,Chitonga / Tonga,English,French,Hausa,Hindi,Kinyarwanda / Kirundi,Kiswahili,Ngakarimojong...
  7. In the framework of FAO's mandate the main purpose of this consulation has been to compile as much information as possible on the use of organic materials as fertilizers and to make recommendations for follow-up activities at the international and national level in the field of practical...
  8. Readily available plant and animal residues, even those you must pay for, can supply an extremely valuable source of plant foods that over the years will reward you with better soil better crops, and reduced grocery bills. And that means money in your pocket. But before you can expect those...
  9. 1/1/2014 The safe, clean and convenient way to compost ALL of you food scraps . Bokashi composting is a safe, quick and convenient way to compost in you kitchen, garage or apartment, using microorganisms to anaerobically ferment all food waste (including meat and dairy). Since the process takes place in a...
  10. El compost o abono natural se utiliza para mejorar la calidad de la tierra. Para crear abono natural utilizaremos materia vegetal estiércol y restos de comida. El abono aporta materia orgánica y nutrientes a la tierra. Esta animación explica el proceso de fabricación y almacenaje del abono.