1. 1/1/1985 Cada granjero y jardinero comprende que las plantas reciben algunos de su substancia de la tierra. Simplemente cuánta plantas dependen adelante la fertilidad de la tierra no siempre es obvia, sin embargo, porque tantos otros factores también influyen en el crecimiento de la planta--el agua, la...
  2. 6/1/1990 This publication concentrates on the management aspects of chemigation and chemigation influences other aspects of irrigation management. 12 pages, illustrations
  3. 1/1/1990 Intensivamente los jardines de la verdura cultivados pueden proporcionar mucho la comida de una familia de la tierra muy pequeńa. Sin embargo, mantener su productividad, estos jardines, requiera mucho fertilizante y algunas técnicas especiales debajo de que se discuten. Cuando una cosecha está...
  4. 18/3/2016 For courses in Soil Fertility, Nutrient Management, and Plant Nutrition in Agriculture. Covering all aspects of nutrient management for profitable crop production, the text pays particular attention to minimizing the environmental impact of soil and fertilizer management. Soil Fertility and...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video The guts, heads, skin or any other part of the fish that people do not eat can be turned into organic fertiliser by fermenting or composting it. Fish waste is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins. By applying fish fertiliser, we can increase the...
  6. This manual is the first in a series planned by the Regional Project, designed to give detailed, practical advice on the various methodologies of organic recycling.
  7. This publication provides an understanding of concepts and issues of nutrition that can address environmental issues and concerns about profitability of Florida citrus in a highly competitive global market.