1. 19/3/1995 Learning how to do experimental trials Intensive small-scale farming Understanding plant diseases Fertilizer bean-Honduras Rats, mice and other vermin Rural journalism Information sharing - Germany Flexible experiments Learning with urban farmers - Bolivia Less fertilzer Hybrid layers -...
  2. Understanding Rootsuncovers one of the greatest mysteries underground―the secret lives and magical workings of the roots that move and grow invisibly beneath our feet. Roots, it seems, do more than just keep a plant from falling over: they gather water and nutrients, exude wondrous elixirs to...
  3. 1/1/2020 Este estudio, llevado a cabo en ECHO durante el verano de 2011, se hizo para comparar la respuesta de la fructificación de la berenjena a las diferentes tasas de aplicación un fertilizante mineral estándar versus un compost de 6 meses con un 25% de estiércol de vaca y un 75% de materia vegetal...