1. Katuk is a perennial shrub native to the lowland, rainforest understory of the warm tropics. It is a familiar plant in home gardens in the wetter parts of Southeast Asia. It grows up to 3.5 m unless pruned. Katuk leaves are compound, with each leaf comprised of dark green, oval-shaped leaflets...
  2. Lettuce is a fast-growing, semi-perennialherbaceous plant grown for its edible leaves that are usually eaten raw. Lettuce is adapted to cool, moist conditions in temperate areas and above 1,000 m in the tropics.
  3. Kale is a cruciferous crop (cabbage family) grown for the leaves. Kale will withstand more heat than other Brassicas and is also tolerant of light frost, which can actually improve flavor. There are many varieties of leaf shape, color and height from a low mat of curled shoots to 2 m high. The...
  4. Chinese Kale, also called Kailaan or Chinese Broccoli, has glossyblue-green leaves with crisp and thick stems. This vegetable adapts well to cold and hot climates and is grown all year round in mild climates. After the first cutting of the main stem, the plant will grow many branches for...
  5. The Moringa tree, known also as the Horseradish Tree, is native to northwestern India. Moringa is widely grown, however, in other parts of the old- and new-world tropics, including tropical Asia, many regions of Africa, Indonesia, and South and Central America.
  6. Moringa stenopetala est souvent appelé le moringa africain parce qu’il est originaire de l’Éthiopie et du nord du Kenya. Même s’il pousse dans de nombreuses autres régions des tropiques de l’Ancien Monde et du Nouveau Monde, il est moins connu que son proche parent, Moringa oleifera.
  7. La culture des amarantes-grains pour l’alimentation humaine remonte aux anciennes civilisations aztèques du Mexique. Il existe une grande variété d’espèces d'amarante-grain; il pourrait s’avérer nécessaire d’expérimenter avec plusieurs souches disponibles pour en trouver une appropriée pour une...
  8. L’origine du pois carré est incertaine. De nombreux auteurs affirment qu’il provient de la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée et de régions insulaires indonésiennes où l’on trouve nombre de ses souches génétiques. Le pois carré, également connu sous le nom de haricot ailé, est cultivé intensément en...
  9. 01/04/2009 If you work in a country that is not your own, chances are you sometimes wonder about which crops to grow and promote. A good first step is to find out what is already being grown in-country. It will quickly become obvious what the staple grains are. Less apparent, and often greatly...
  10. Kohlrabi is a short (45cm), biennial cruciferous crop (cabbage family) that is cultivated as an annual vegetable. The stems of each plant swell at the base to form a 5 - 10 cm in diameter edible, starchy globe. The broad edible leavesspiral in whorls around the globe-like swollen stem and are...