1. 1/1/1978 The purpose of this series of bulletins is to furnish information about vegetables that can be grown in the hot, humid Tropics. The vegetables covered are either not well known, at least with respect to some uses, or not well distributed, but are productive during tropical rainy seaons. The...
  2. 1/1/2018 This book, in Spanish, is filled with Chaya recipes. Chaya is very nutritious; a 100 gram serving (about 50 – 60 fresh leaves) contains the following: Protein: It has the same amount of protein as an egg. Protein is important for muscle development. Iron: It has two times the iron of a serving of...
  3. Penny discovered her passion for helping the poor while flying to Latin America as an American Airlines flight attendant. IN the nine years since she founded Miracles in Action, a non-profit, Naples, FL based charity, Penny has coordinated the construction of 46 rural schools, 20 village water...
  4. 25/1/2016 Algunos cultivos tropicales contienen glucósidos cianógenos, sustancias tóxicas que liberan ácido cianhídrico (HCN, también conocido como cianuro o ácido prúsico) cuando se trituran las células. Consumir estas plantas sin cocinarlas puede causar envenenamiento por cianuro, causando efectos...
  5. 5/4/2016 The mission of Semilla Nueva is to develop locally-led farmer education programs that increase the income, rebuild the soils, and improve the food security of Guatemala’s rural poor. This ECHOcommunity network member organization is using farmer-to-farmer training to empower farmers with the...
  6. 19/11/2014 The world relies on just five crops for more than 50 percent of their food intake.If anything happened to any one of these crops, millions would starve to death.In her presentation Penny will explain why it is important to select underutilized, nutritious crops, and learn everything you can about...
  7. 1/4/2010 ECHO hace énfasis en los múltiples beneficios de los vegetales perennes. Con esto queremos decir vegetales que se siembran una vez y se pueden consumir por años. Los beneficios son muchos y pueden ser específicamente útiles para las familias de personas PLWHA, que experimenten una disminución en...
  8. 20/11/2015 Some tropical crops contain cyanogenic glycosides, toxic substances that release hydrocyanic acid (HCN; also referred to as cyanide) when cells are crushed. Consuming these plants without cooking them can cause cyanide poisoning, with varying effects depending on cyanide levels and how long a...
  9. 18/10/2016 Cory Thede, quien trabaja en la costa norte de Haití, envió una nota sobre una planta local de chaya con una rama (Figura 8) que mutó para convertirse en un tipo silvestre punzante. Comentó: “Cuando accidentalmente me recosté sobre ella sentí la picazón y me provocó sarpullido con picazón en mi...
  10. 1/1/2014 Recientemete leímos correspondencia de Penny Rambacher, R.D., una dietista registrada que trabaja con Miracles in Action en Guatemala. Hace alrededor de ocho años, el Presidente de ECHO en ese entonces, Dr. Martin Price, sugirió a Penny que la reintroducción de la chaya podría ser una manera...