1. 20/6/2007 The role of trust in the acquisition of seeds Local multiplication to ensure timely planting Selecting the best plants to improve seed potato Higher yields and income with disease resistant coffee clones New bean seeds Conserving the plant genetic resources of southern Africa Community based...
  2. 1/1/1996 24 pages, illustrated Policy Papers, Issue no. 1
  3. Abstract, BioResources, 2018 The world has huge floral diversity, whereas there often is poor and irrational utilization, especially of indigenous plants and residues from agricultural processes. Trees, shrubs, and herbs can have multiple uses at different levels as medicines and sources of...
  4. Abstract, International Journal of Infection, 2016 November Background:Coxiella burnetii(C. burnetii) is the causative agent of Q fever, a zoonotic disease that is prevalent worldwide. Domestic and companion animals are the main reservoirs of infection. Humans mainly acquire the infection through...
  5. 1/1/2014 ¿Qué pasa si usted está trabajando en una comunidad cuando ahí ocurre un desastre? ¿Qué pasos puede usted dar en una situación tal de manera que lleven hacia la recuperación? Y ¿qué acciones se pueden tomar de antemano para minimizar el daño derivado de un evento de gran escala y catastrófico...
  6. The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA)is a not-for-profit sub-regional organization of the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) of 11 member countries, namely: Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia,...