1. Access Agriculture Training Video With pitcher irrigation, round porous clay pots are buried into the soil near the crop and filled with water. The water seeps out slowly through the porous walls of the pot and reaches the roots of the plants. As the plants consume the water, more water will seep...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video Coir pith degrades so slowly that it is often considered useless for agriculture. But well-decomposed coir pith can absorb five times its weight in water. So when applied to your soil, it can hold water much better. To prepare compost out of coir pith you need to...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Bean leaves are rich in proteins and vitamins. To have them available during the dry season, you can dry and store them. Available languages Arabic Bambara Chichewa / Nyanja English French Hausa Hindi Kiswahili Mooré Tumbuka Twi
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video You can store fresh tomatoes in a local fridge for a few weeks. A local fridge consists of two earthen pots, placed one inside the other and separated with sand. In addition to storing fresh tomatoes, they can also be dried and used any time. Dried tomatoes can...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers selling pumpkins right after harvest get a low price because there are so many. They can sell them at a better price during the off-season by storing them. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja English French Hindi Tumbuka
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Onions grow well under many different conditions, but when grown in the rainy season onions have a greater chance of getting sick. Onion diseases can make the leaves fold and reduce your yield. Diseases can spread with soil, seed or infested crop residues. ...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video Onions need rich, fertile soil. Only grow onions once in 3 years in the same field. Plant the onions on raised beds, especially in the rainy season. Transplant when the onions are about 6 weeks old. Plant the onions 10 centimetres apart. By taking good care of...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video As soon as you pick your tomatoes their quality can only ever decrease. The best you can do is to slow down the reduction of quality, by following some practices which reduce damage and harm. The key to getting good quality tomatoes to sell starts with the...
  9. AccessAgriculture Training Video La sequía puede disminuir el crecimiento y provocar la caída de los frutos tiernos. Riegue su ocra regularmente para que no deje de crecer. Deshierbe. Fertilice la ocra, aplicando periódicamente un poco de compost, estiércol descompuesto o mulch alrededor de la...
  10. AccessAgriculture Training Video El tizón tardío es causado por hongos que viven en el suelo y en los rastrojos de cultivos enfermos. Como la enfermedad se disemina rápido, inspeccione su parcela cada día. Si ve plantas enfermas, corte las partes enfermas para quemarlas. Nunca ponga las partes...
  11. Access Agriculture Training Video During the lean season, tomatoes become very scarce and consumers buy canned tomatoes at high prices or no longer eat tomatoes. But by processing tomatoes into concentrate, you can use it for one year. And tomato juice can be used for 2 to 3 weeks. Available...
  12. Access Agriculture Training Video Most farmers confuse black rot disease with downey mildew. Whereas mildew starts as purplish irregular spots on the leaves, black rot starts as small, yellow-brown, V-shaped areas at the leaf margins. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja...
  13. AccessAgriculture Training Video En Benín nos muestran cómo sembrar ocra. Ponga no más de 2 a 3 semillas en cada hueco y siembre a distancias apropiadas para la circulación de aire y permitir que las plantas se desarrollen bien. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Chichewa / Nyanja Español Fon Francés...
  14. Access Agriculture Training Video If you are growing tomatoes you need to make sure that you don’t just grow when everyone else is, or you will probably suffer from very low prices. Working in a group and staggering your production can provide a constant market supply of fresh tomatoes. ...
  15. AccessAgriculture Training Video Puedes controlar fácilmente los áfidos usando algunas prácticas orgánicas, tales como aspersión de la ceniza, la pulverización con una solución de jabón o neem y por un cultivo trampa. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Bangla Birmano Chichewa / Nyanja Dioula Español...
  16. Access Agriculture Training video In fact, onions can be stored for many months, if they are: • of a good variety, • fertilised properly, • harvested, dried, and stored the right way. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla Bariba Chichewa / Nyanja Dagbani Dendi English Ewe Fon French Hausa...
  17. AccessAgriculture Video Ningún producto cura el rizado de las hojas del tomate. La enfermedad es diseminada por la mosca blanca. La enfermedad se maneja con la prevención. Una casa de malla puede proteger su almácigo. Un borde de cereales alrededor de las hortalizas ayuda a bloquear a la mosca...
  18. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las cebollas tienen pocas raíces y son también de poca profundidad, por lo tanto sólo pueden absorber nutrientes de la capa superficial del suelo. Por eso es indispensable prestar atención cuidadosa para aumentar la fertilidad del suelo cuando quiere producir...
  19. Access Agriculture Training Video Onion seedlings need a healthy, loose soil. Add well-aged manure or compost. In the rainy season you need to raise the seedbed so the onion roots will not rot. If you use quality seed, most of the seed will germinate and you need much less of it. Onion seedlings...
  20. Access Agriculture Training Video Let us learn from the experiences of some innovative farmers in Ghana who make more money: by producing onions when there are few of them on the market; by storing them until the price comes up again; and by selling directly to clients in urban markets. ...
  21. AccessAgriculture Training Video La manera más fácil de detectar a los gorgojos es con bandas pegajosas, que se compran en la agropecuaria. Cuando hay frutos tiernos, queme las hojas de algunas plantas. El humo no mata a los insectos, pero los ahuyenta. Destruya los frutos caídos y semillas en 3...
  22. Access Agricuture Training Video When you pick your tomatoes, if you want to keep them longer, you have to find a way of reducing the temperature. As availability of electricity at village level can be a problem, ways have to be found to lower the temperature of this fragile crop. Some farmers at...
  23. AccessAgriculture Training Video El mejor compost para una maceta de saco es el que se hace con gallinaza y restos de plantas. Si usa este compost, la maceta de saco producirá muchas verduras por mucho tiempo. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Español Francés Inglés Luganda...
  24. Access Agriculture Training Video As our land remains under water during the rainy season, our ancestors were already thinking of ways to produce crops in order to survive. They invented the floating garden by using crop residues. We do not need any chemical fertilizers or pesticides, because the...
  25. AccessAgriculture Training Video Se puede hacer mulch con cualquier material vegetal local y seco, como el pasto o la paja. Poner mulch es fácil. Más que nada, ayuda a ahorrar agua, tiempo y trabajo mientras enriquece el suelo y le da una mejor cosecha. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Bangla...
  26. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers and vegetable sellers find it hard to sell leafy vegetables even a day after harvest because the leaves spoil quickly, but solar drying allows farmers to reduce losses and sell leafy vegetables out of the main harvest season. Available languages Arabic...
  27. Access Agriculture Training Video It is very important to have a product that doesn’t change, that is of the same quality, the same taste, the same colour and that is well presented. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla Bemba Chichewa / Nyanja English Fon French Kikuyu Kinyarwanda / Kirundi...
  28. AccessAgriculture Training Video Grupos de agricultores e individuos en Burkina Faso explican los beneficios y los desafíos de un sistema de riego por goteo a bajo costo, y muestran cómo establecer el sistema. Se incluye una innovación social en el manejo de la materia orgánica. Idiomas...
  29. AccessAgriculture Training Video Es fácil producir gírgola (champiñón ostra) y se puede ganar bastante dinero. Ya que microbios y mohos crecen fácilmente, hay que seguir buenas prácticas higiénicas en todo momento cuando se produce hongos comestibles. Idiomas disponibles Ateso Bambara Bangla...
  30. AccessAgriculture Training Video El compost de lombrices aumenta la fertilidad del suelo y ayuda a producir más hortalizas en suelos pobres y salados. Aquí aprenderemos a hacer compost de lombrices rápida y fácilmente en una pequeña parcela de tierra. Idiomas disponibles Ateso Aymara Bambara...
  31. Access Agriculture Training Video Use quality seeds in a seedbed of one meter wide. Make furrows about every 15 cm. Do not sow too many seeds too close together or the seedlings will be too tall and weak and they will break easily when transplanted. Protect the seedbed from the hot sun and hard...
  32. Access Agriculture Training Video When chillies remain moist, moulds develop and the chillies will go bad. Some moulds produce a poison, called aflatoxin, which is toxic to people. To speed up drying and to dry your food hygienically you can use a solar dryer that uses the heat of the sun to dry...
  33. Access Agriculture Training Video This video shows the importance of good planning and knowledge. We can reduce losses by following good practices when installing the seedbed, preparing the field and transplanting chilli seedlings. Available languages Amharic Arabic Bambara Bangla Bemba Chichewa...
  34. AccessAgriculture Training Video Los nemátodos son gusanos horribles que viven en el suelo y en las raíces de distintos cultivos y malezas. Los nemátodos son más fáciles de prevenir que controlar. El secreto es: producir plantines sanos; destruir todas las fuentes de nematodos en su huerto y...
  35. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in southern Malawi have come up with their own clever ways to harvest, dry, grade and store their chillies. To remove the pain in their hands after harvesting the chillies, they use various techniques. The biggest enemy of stored chillies is moisture, as...
  36. AccessAgriculture Training Video Los chapulines (langostas) y caracoles pueden ser un problema serio para cualquier almácigo de hortalizas, ya que mastican los tallos tiernos de los plantines. Los gusanos también pueden causar daño, pero más en el tomate y en el repollo que en el chile o ají....
  37. Access Agriculture Training Video Some plants repel insects naturally. Grow them in between your crop to deter insects. By knowing the wild plants that grow in your area, you can prepare your own herbal insect repellent at no cost. Add cow urine to help extract the repelling compounds from milky...
  38. Access Agriculture Training Video Use quality seeds in a seedbed of one meter wide. Make furrows about every 15 cm. Do not sow too many seeds too close together or the seedlings will be too tall and weak and they will break easily when transplanted. Protect the seedbed from the hot sun and hard...
  39. Access Agriculture Training Video Harvest the soft okra every two days, so they don’t become ripe. But leave the smallest ones for the next harvest. If you leave the pods on the plant to become ripe, this takes energy from the plant and slows down new growth. An okra plant whose pods are...
  40. Access Agriculture Training Video Staking allows more light and better air circulation to plants. Staked tomato plants are less attacked by pests and diseases and the fruits do not easily spoil. By staking your plants, they do not fall over due to the weight of the tomato fruits. Your plants will...