1. 1/4/2024 ECHO’s agricultural staff often receive questions about ways to control snails naturally. This article shares some practical, low-resource options for control from OISAT and two ECHO Network Members.
  2. 8/6/2020 Consejos para mantener los mosquitos fuera de su hogar e instrucciones para fabricar una mosquitera. Adaptación del material extraído deFootsteps, la publicación literaria de la Fundación TEAR, 1998 con su amable autorización Esta edición fue publicada en Gran Bretaña en 2019 por MissionAssist...
  3. 1/6/2020 Este folleto explica como evitar pestes en tus cultivos mediante el uso de ceniza de madera o cáscara de arroz. Usa material tomado deFootsteps 54la publicatión de alfabetización del Fondo TEAR con el permiso amablemente concedido Esta edición fue publicada en Gran Bretaña en 2019 por...
  4. 13/7/2023 Las especies de ciempiés pueden causar graves daños a diversos cultivos. Hemos conocido de informes de graves daños en África Occidental, pero también, más recientemente, en Uganda.Los controles químicos eficaces son caros y difíciles de obtener para muchos productores rurales. Por ello, estamos...
  5. Examines the pest problems peculiar to Florida, identifies a variety of harmful insects as well as beneficial spiders, and includes advice on pest control.A handy guide for identifying and dealing with common pests. Includes information on pests that infest your home and garden. 312 pgs, pictures...
  6. 1/1/1974 In this bulletin only the most important pests of the household will be dealt with and the main emphasis will be laid on the prevention of their spread and on methods for their control.
  7. Answers are given in as simple and practical a manner as possible. The latest and most effective methods, as well as the older methods, of controlling pests of tree fruits, small fruits and vegetables are given. Also discussed are animal pests, general garden pests, and the beneficial animals and...
  8. 1/1/1989 This FAO book describes efforts to fight the locust in Africa, the Near East and Asia in the 1980s.
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video Some plants repel insects naturally. Grow them in between your crop to deter insects. By knowing the wild plants that grow in your area, you can prepare your own herbal insect repellent at no cost. Add cow urine to help extract the repelling compounds from milky...
  10. 1/1/2004 Caused by Diseases, Pests or Mineral Deficiencies The purpose of this booklet is to help farmers in remote areas prevent and control diseases and plagues in their crops. These farmers may not have access to agricultural extension officers or other experts who could diagnose the cause of the crop...