1. 1/1/2014 Useful Management Practices for Smallholders in Tropical Africa This Agrodok on lowland rice is primarily meant for smallholders in tropical Africa, because the advocated cultivation and processing practices reflect the main circumstances encountered by rice farmers on this continent. The aim of...
  2. 19/12/1991 Strategies for integrated systems Herding associations - Peru Community based landuse planning in Thailand Lowland farming Women integrate fish and farming Sustainable agriculture Agroforestry Indigenousknowledge
  3. 19/7/1996 Integrated farming systems in humid lowlands Philippine farmer switches over to rice-fish Pigs manage the world's worst weed in India Cambodia aquaculture developments Diversifying rice field systems in Bangladesh Pak Yanto's road to sustainability Capture or culture? Wetland management in...
  4. 1/1/1980 The overall objective of this Handbook is to introduce the reader to a time tested system of family food production and to provide guidlines to assist programme officers with developing an appropriate home garden programme. The basic principles can also be applied in programmes for schools and...
  5. AccessAgriculture Training Video Los agricultores en Guatemala explican cómo producir frijoles en áreas bajas y calientes, primero seleccionando una variedad de frijol que se adapta al calor. Siembran los frijoles en el invierno, y a veces tienen que regarlos. Los frijoles se pueden sembrar solos...
  6. Tropical lowland regions are characterized by high humidity and annual rainfall. Lowlands exist around the world in microclimates but predominate areas of South and Southeast Asia, Latin America and Caribbean, and Coastal regions of the tropics. One of the main agricultural concerns for lowland...
  7. 1/6/1992 286 pages, illustrated
  8. 1/1/2015 Una de las más recientes adiciones a la Global Granja de ECHO es el Sistema Natural de Cultivo de cerdo situada en el área de Tierras Bajas Tropicales. Este componente está basado en el enfoque de agricultura natural desarrollado en Asia del Este y el Sudeste, que se centra en aprovechar el...
  9. 18/10/2016 Cory Thede, quien trabaja en la costa norte de Haití, envió una nota sobre una planta local de chaya con una rama (Figura 8) que mutó para convertirse en un tipo silvestre punzante. Comentó: “Cuando accidentalmente me recosté sobre ella sentí la picazón y me provocó sarpullido con picazón en mi...