1. This booklet aims to provide you, as people leading and supporting the move to Agroecology in Africa, with lessons from the valuable experiences of the APCNF programme. We have included helpful inputs, discussions and conclusions from the 15 online sessions held over 2021/2022. You will also find...
  2. Natural Farming has no strict rules, only principles to guide you as you learn to become a better natural farmer. Natural Farming is not only about replacing chemical inputs with organic inputs but also about creating a farming system that is in tune with the way Nature operates.
  3. 1/1/1978 Call it “Zen and the Art of Farming” or a “Little Green Book,” Masanobu Fukuoka’s manifesto about farming, eating, and the limits of human knowledge presents a radical challenge to the global systems we rely on for our food. At the same time, it is a spiritual memoir of a man whose innovative...
  4. AccessAgriculture Training Video A diferencia de los demás insecticidas botánicos, las plantas absorben el extracto de nim por sus raíces y hojas, distribuyéndolo por toda la planta. Por esa razón, el nim puede ayudar a controlar a las plagas como los minadores de hojas, que se alimentan dentro...
  5. AccessAgriculture Training Video El manejo integrado de la fertilidad del suelo se basa en maximizar el uso de los abonos orgánicos, y minimizando la pérdida de los nutrientes. Idiomas disponibles Bemba Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga Español Francés Inglés Kiswahili Tumbuka
  6. AccessAgriculture Training Video Con gangochos vacíos puede coser un recipiente. Ponga capas de materia orgánica en el recipiente, y humedezca. Introduzca las lombrices después de una semana. Tape la cama con gangochos y humedezca regularmente. Asegúrese que el compost esté en la sombra. Idiomas...
  7. The USDA defines organic agriculture as “a production system that is managed to respond to site-specific conditions by integrating cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity.” More specifically, organic...
  8. 20/11/2018 Natural farming techniques have been heavily promoted in ECHO’s Asia network. The aim of these techniques is to reduce reliance on chemical inputs by enriching soils with beneficial microorganisms. Soil microbes break down organic matter, releasing nutrients for uptake by crop roots. They also...
  9. 1/1/2015 Una de las más recientes adiciones a la Global Granja de ECHO es el Sistema Natural de Cultivo de cerdo situada en el área de Tierras Bajas Tropicales. Este componente está basado en el enfoque de agricultura natural desarrollado en Asia del Este y el Sudeste, que se centra en aprovechar el...
  10. ECHO Asia hosted a two-day sustainable natural faming workshop in mainland China to discuss strategies for sustainable natural farming techniques.