1. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las líneas de piedra forman terrazas de manera natural a medida que captan sedimentos. También se construyen para rehabilitar tierras erosionadas. Los agricultores en Kenia muestran cómo construyen líneas de piedra. Idiomas disponibles Español Francés Inglés...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video Effective weed control can increase yields by more than 50%. As a farmer it is therefore worthwhile taking a closer look. In this video you can learn how to control weeds most effectively. Available languages Arabic Ateso Bangla Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja English...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video The parasitic weed striga causes more damage to cereal crops in poor soils, so both problems have to be tackled together. In this video we will learn why it is important to combine at least three control methods to reduce striga and obtain a good yield of...
  4. AccessAgriculture Training Video En las sabanas semi-áridas donde la lluvia es limitada y sumamente impredecible, el retener más agua en el suelo puede marcar la diferencia entre una cosecha buena y mala. Usted puede disminuir la velocidad del agua de escorrentía al establecer bordes a nivel. Los...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Coir pith degrades so slowly that it is often considered useless for agriculture. But well-decomposed coir pith can absorb five times its weight in water. So when applied to your soil, it can hold water much better. To prepare compost out of coir pith you need to...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Ensure your soil is rich in organic matter and grow a legume intercrop to help keep your soil loose. Plant your cuttings horizontally or at a slant so the roots grow closer to the surface. With a simple tool you can uproot your cassava twice as fast. Available...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video How do land preparation and water management affect crop establishment, weed management and rice yields? In this video you can learn the answers to these and other questions. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available languages English French Kiswahili...
  8. AccessAgriculture Training Video En la sabana costera de África Occidental, los agricultores explican cómo un cultivo de cobertura de mucuna les ayuda a revivir su suelo altamente degradado, y suprime las malezas nocivas estriga e Imperata. Muestran cómo producirlo para beneficiar a su maíz y...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in northern Nigeria are changing the way they intercrop their sorghum and millet with cowpea. By planting both crops at higher densities and in separate rows, and by applying some organic and mineral fertilizer, they harvest more and reduce damage by the...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video During weekly visits, and supported by their extension agent, a farmer field school in Tanzania learns how to test different sorghum varieties for striga resistance and evaluate how each one performs under different practices. Available languages Amharic Arabic...
  11. Access Agriculture Training Video In this video, you can learn how to prepare a seedbed, as establishing a good seedbed is needed to obtain strong seedlings and give your rice crop a good start. Let’s look at it step by step. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available languages Ateso...
  12. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las barreras vivas en curvas a nivel bajan la velocidad del agua, permitiendo al agua infiltrarse. Las barreras atrapan al suelo y nutrientes que el agua trae. Hay varios pastos que se puede sembrar, según lo que necesite y lo que esté disponible. Idiomas...
  13. Access Agriculture Training Video Legumes are important in crop rotations, because they reduce weeds and enrich the soil by partnering with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil. To be sure your soil has the right bacteria, you can buy an inoculant of Rhizobium bacteria. Rhizobium bacteria can...
  14. Access Agriculture Training Video Compost is more powerful than manure. What is less known is that the micro-organisms in compost attack striga seeds in the soil. Compost also decreases the amount of striga that will sprout, and reduces its negative effect on cereal crops. Let us look at how...
  15. Access Agriculture Training Video Raised beds must be 20 to 30 centimetres high, 80 to 100 centimeters wide and the furrows 30 to 40 centimeters wide. The beds can be 50 to 100 meters long depending on the slope of the field. Because the beds are wide, water is channelled faster through the land,...
  16. Access Agriculture Training Video Small scale farmers can struggle to keep their soil healthy, and often resort to buying fertilisers to improve their yield, but with a bit of extra work to make compost, yield can be increased naturally and the soil improved year by year. To turn your rice straw...
  17. AccessAgriculture Training Video En el espacio amplio entre la doble hilera de piña, se puede producir frijoles o maní (cacahuate) durante el primer año, lo cual mejora el suelo. Muchos agricultores cortan todos los árboles para establecer sus piñales. Pero se equivocan porque la piña crece mejor...
  18. Access Agriculture Training Video Legumes like pigeon peas take nitrogen from the air and deposit it into the soil. When pigeon peas are intercropped the root nodules release valuable nitrogen to the other crop. Any roots, leaves or stems of the pigeon pea plant that stay in the field also help...
  19. AccessAgriculture Training Video En laderas, la lluvia lava el suelo fértil y rápidamente se bajan los rendimientos de la yuca. Al reducir la erosión de suelo y crear una capa de suelo sano, usted tendrá buenas cosechas de yuca por muchos años. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Español Francés Inglés...
  20. Access Agriculture Training Video A direct seeded rice crop requires less water, labour and money compared to transplanted rice. It also matures one to two weeks earlier when all other crops are still in the field. Available languages Bangla English French Hindi
  21. Access Agriculture Training Video With pitcher irrigation, round porous clay pots are buried into the soil near the crop and filled with water. The water seeps out slowly through the porous walls of the pot and reaches the roots of the plants. As the plants consume the water, more water will seep...
  22. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las cebollas tienen pocas raíces y son también de poca profundidad, por lo tanto sólo pueden absorber nutrientes de la capa superficial del suelo. Por eso es indispensable prestar atención cuidadosa para aumentar la fertilidad del suelo cuando quiere producir...
  23. Access Agriculture Training Video Onions need rich, fertile soil. Only grow onions once in 3 years in the same field. Plant the onions on raised beds, especially in the rainy season. Transplant when the onions are about 6 weeks old. Plant the onions 10 centimetres apart. By taking good care of...
  24. AccessAgriculture Training Video El mejor compost para una maceta de saco es el que se hace con gallinaza y restos de plantas. Si usa este compost, la maceta de saco producirá muchas verduras por mucho tiempo. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Español Francés Inglés Luganda...
  25. AccessAgriculture Training Video Como individuos, los agricultores tienen falta de recursos para invertir, o para enseñarse de la Agricultura de Conservación. Este video muestra un grupo en Kenia que se ha juntado para compartir conocimiento y equipo y para ayudarse entre ellos. Idiomas...
  26. AccessAgriculture Training Video El objetivo principal es reducir costos y mejorar la rentabilidad. La salud del suelo se mejora igual que la humedad del suelo. Zambia es el líder en África subsahariana y este programa muestra cómo se practica la técnica. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Birmano...
  27. AccessAgriculture Training Video Se puede hacer mulch con cualquier material vegetal local y seco, como el pasto o la paja. Poner mulch es fácil. Más que nada, ayuda a ahorrar agua, tiempo y trabajo mientras enriquece el suelo y le da una mejor cosecha. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Bangla...
  28. AccessAgriculture Training Video En el distrito de Tororo en Uganda, la tierra se ha usado intensivamente y la fertilidad del suelo es baja y está empeorando. Este video muestra una alternativa - el uso de la orina como abono. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Español Fon Francés Inglés Kiswahili...
  29. AccessAgriculture Training Video En la semi-árida África Occidental, los agricultores y pastores explican por qué y cómo los árboles y el ganado son cruciales en la obtención de suelos y cultivos productivos. En Níger y Ghana son también estrategias del manejo integrado de estriga y de la...
  30. AccessAgriculture Training Video Grupos de agricultores e individuos en Burkina Faso explican los beneficios y los desafíos de un sistema de riego por goteo a bajo costo, y muestran cómo establecer el sistema. Se incluye una innovación social en el manejo de la materia orgánica. Idiomas...
  31. AccessAgriculture Training Video El compost de lombrices aumenta la fertilidad del suelo y ayuda a producir más hortalizas en suelos pobres y salados. Aquí aprenderemos a hacer compost de lombrices rápida y fácilmente en una pequeña parcela de tierra. Idiomas disponibles Ateso Aymara Bambara...
  32. AccessAgriculture Training Video Recomendaciones prácticas sobre el manejo de datileras; reducción de la humedad, más la poda, policultivo y desmalezado. Idiomas disponibles Afarense Español Francés Inglés Persa / Farsi Urdu Árabe
  33. AccessAgriculture Training Video El tarwi (chocho, o lupino) se puede cultivar en áreas altas o frías. El tarwi es un alimento sano, rico en proteínas, y bueno para el suelo. En este video, los agricultores en Bolivia nos muestran como mantener la parcela libre de la enfermedad de antracnosis....
  34. AccessAgriculture Training Video Los agricultores en Guatemala explican cómo producir frijoles en áreas bajas y calientes, primero seleccionando una variedad de frijol que se adapta al calor. Siembran los frijoles en el invierno, y a veces tienen que regarlos. Los frijoles se pueden sembrar solos...
  35. Access Agriculture Training Video Zaï as they are known in Burkina Faso, or tassa in Niger, are wide deep planting pits. They act as a microcatchment and can be used to rehabilitate soils when used with manure. They have been very successful in West Africa during the last 25 years. Available...
  36. Access Agriculture Training Video Fanya juu means "throw the soil up" in Kiswahili. The terraces formed are ideal for fodder grasses and help prevent soil erosion. Cultivation becomes easier as the terraces spread out to make the land more level and when combined with manure/fertilizer yields...
  37. Access Agriculture Training Video Grevillea robusta was originally introduced as a shade tree in the coffee and tea estates of East Africa. Now small-scale farmers use the tree in many ways as it does not interfere with crop growth. Uses include timber, fuelwood, leaf mulch, shade, and it serves...
  38. Access Agriculture Training Video Demi-lunes (half-moons) are in the shaped of a semi-circle with the tips of the bunds on the contour. They come in a variety of sizes, which help with water harvesting in semi-arid areas. They help to improve soil fertility when manure or compost is added....
  39. Access Agriculture Training Video These insects that help us need pollen and nectar to survive, and a place where they can find shelter. Grow different kinds of flowering trees, shrubs and herbs around your field, so insects find different sources of food throughout the year. Available Languages:...
  40. Access Agriculture Training Video You can prepare a basic natural growth promotor with locally available ingredients, such as cow dung, ghee, milk, urine, sugar and ripe bananas. To further strengthen the growth promotor you can also add an extract made from urine and aromatic leaves so that it...
  41. Access Agriculture Training Video By installing an integrated farm, you can produce something on every inch of land, while reducing waste and buying fewer inputs. Draw a map of your farm and decide where to grow what crops, trees and vegetables, based on your knowledge of which crops need sun and...
  42. Access Agriculture Training Video Soils that are depleted or heavily leached are often acidic. Soils can also become acidic from the high use of chemical fertilizers. Acidic soil inhibits the bacteria that help organic matter to decompose. Acidic soil makes some nutrients less available to crops....
  43. Access Agriculture Training Video When many living things are found in the soil, it means that the soil has life, because these little creatures help to decompose organic matter, make nutrients available to plants, and make the soil spongier. Available Languages: Aymara,English,French,Quechua,...
  44. Access Agricuture Training Video As collective irrigation canals deteriorate over time, farmers waste resources and efforts in simple daily tasks. With increasing scarcity and degradation of water quality, farmers must pay attention to improve water use. Available Language: Arabic,English,French...
  45. Access Agriculture Training Video Stone lines or stone bunds can slow down runoff, increase water infiltration and form the basis for improved production in semi-arid areas. By using the contours of low slopes water harvesting is improved and crops are possible in low rainfall years. Available...
  46. Access Agriculture Training Video Integrated soil fertility management is based on maximising the use of organic fertilizers and minimizing the loss of nutrients. Available Languages: Bemba,Chichewa / Nyanja,Chitonga / Tonga,English,French,Hausa,Hindi,Kinyarwanda / Kirundi,Kiswahili,Ngakarimojong...
  47. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmer managed natural regeneration (FMNR) has helped to "regreen" five million hectares of land in Niger after three decades of destruction. It is an effective way of reintroducing parkland agroforestry to help improve management of crops and livestock....