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  1. Ressource principale
    01/01/2010 Les communautés paysannes dans les régions tropicales semi-arides d’Afrique sont en train de devenir vulnérables et rencontrent des défis énormes pour leur survie. Le changement climatique, la pluviométrie décroissante et moins peu fiable, les systèmes agraires culturales a monoculture...
  2. Ressource principale
    20/01/1992 En termes simples, l’agroforesterie est la production d’arbres et de cultures non ligneuses ou d’animaux sur un même territoire. Les activités peuvent être menées sur le même lopin de terre en même temps ou en suivant une séquence ; elles peuvent également être menées sur des lopins distincts en...
  3. Abstract - Pennsylvania State University Stem cuttings of five tree species from dry and semi-arid woodlands (Acacia torti/is, Prosopis juliflora, Terminalia spinosa, Terminalia brownii and Albizia guachapele) and seven species from moist tropical forests (Cordia alliodora, Vochysia hondurensis,...
  4. Abstract - Botanical Journal of Scotland Three apparently disparate topics are brought together to focus on ways in which science and even technology have often been insulated from pressing human needs. A notable example is the 20th Century's down-grading of the value of tropical trees in...
  5. Ressource principale
    20/04/1984 This technical note was published in the early 80's when there were relatively few sources of information on, or seed for the the neem tree. In recent years much progress has been made in each of these areas. The information contained in this technical note is still quite valuable. A good source...
  6. While questions still remain about the dosage required in human beings, neem clearly has great potential in preventing malaria, a parasite that kills more than a million people per year. Several in vitro studies indicate significant protection, including one that concluded it was more effective...
  7. Guazuma is a small to medium-sized tree that grows up to 30 m tall. Its leaves form a compact, rounded canopy, remaining green throughout the year except in areas with a long dry season. It is used as a source of fuelwood, shade, and fodder for livestock.
  8. The Moringa tree, known also as the Horseradish Tree, is native to northwestern India. Moringa is widely grown, however, in other parts of the old- and new-world tropics, including tropical Asia, many regions of Africa, Indonesia, and South and Central America.
  9. Moringa stenopetala est souvent appelé le moringa africain parce qu’il est originaire de l’Éthiopie et du nord du Kenya. Même s’il pousse dans de nombreuses autres régions des tropiques de l’Ancien Monde et du Nouveau Monde, il est moins connu que son proche parent, Moringa oleifera.
  10. Apple ring acacias are tall, drought tolerant, deciduous, nitrogen-fixing trees up to 30 m in height. They are commonly used for inter-cropping with staple crops in dry areas as leaves help mulch and shade crops below. Faidherbia albida is an ideal multipurpose agroforestry tree that is widely...
  11. Red Gum is a very large, spreading tree that can grow to 40 meters. The tree is tolerant to many harsh conditions including drought, salt, heat, alkaline soil, and water-logging. Red Gum Eucalyptus is the most widely planted eucalyptus and is grown on plantations in many countries. It is used for...

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