1. This volume describes the wild and cultivated plant species of tropical Africa used in the first place for their timber. Some of these are traded on the international timber market, but many are only used locally, for construction purposes or the production of furniture, implements and utensils....
  2. This is the first of 2 volumes describing the wild and cultived plant species of tropical Africa used for their timber. Some of these are traded on the international timber market, but many are only used locally, for construction purposes or the production of furniture, implments and utensils....
  3. Red Gum is a very large, spreading tree that can grow to 40 meters. The tree is tolerant to many harsh conditions including drought, salt, heat, alkaline soil, and water-logging. Red Gum Eucalyptus is the most widely planted eucalyptus and is grown on plantations in many countries. It is used for...
  4. L’Albizia lucida proviendrait de l’Indonésie et de la Nouvelle-Guinée.
  5. Cet arbre est originaire de l’Afrique tropicale, de l’Asie et du nord de l’Australie
  6. Cet arbre originaire du Malawi pousse aujourd’hui en Afrique de l’Ouest, Afrique de l’Est et Afrique centrale. En Afrique du Sud, il est considéré une espèce rare.
  7. 19/05/1998 Advice about milling lumber from tropical trees.
  8. 20/07/2003 The Strawberry Tree (Muntingia calabura), also known as Jamaica Cherry, is a multipurpose tree that quickly grows to 8 to 13 meters in height. The tree produces a small red fruit, but is largely valued for its wood. It is remarkably fast-growing for a tree having such hard wood.