1. Markhamia lutea is an upright, evergreen tree, growing to 15 m in height. It is valued for timber, shade, bee forage, fuelwood and landscaping use.
  2. Khaya nyasica is a large evergreen or semi-deciduous forest tree up to 60 m in height. It has a rounded crown that provides dense shade. This tree is an important timber species and the wood is also used for furniture, firewood, tools, carving and for canoes.
  3. Le neem est originaire des régions arides de la Birmanie et de l’Inde. Il a été introduit dans d’autres régions tropicales arides d’Afrique, d’Asie et du Nouveau Monde.
  4. Red Gum is a very large, spreading tree that can grow to 40 meters. The tree is tolerant to many harsh conditions including drought, salt, heat, alkaline soil, and water-logging. Red Gum Eucalyptus is the most widely planted eucalyptus and is grown on plantations in many countries. It is used for...
  5. Silk Oak is medium-sized to large tree up to 40 m tall, with dense branches projecting upwards. It is an excellent timber tree and has been used for shade in coffee plantations.
  6. Jatropha is a small, drought-tolerant, perennial tree growing up to 6 m in height. Oil from the seeds is used for candles, soap, and fuel which can be used as a substitute for diesel oil.
  7. Silver terminalia is a small tree or shrub, valued for its strong wood, and growing to 23 m in height. This tree provides good fuelwood and is valuable for land reclamation and erosion control.
  8. Gumbo Limbo is a very hardy, fast growing tree native to the West Indies and Central America. At maturity it reaches 30 m (100 ft). It is tolerant to long periods of drought and is easily propagated.
  9. Buffalo thorn is a thorny, bushy shrub or small tree of semi-arid climates, growing to 12 m in height. It is used for its edible fruit and livestock browsing. The tree is good bee forage, and makes good firewood, charcoal, fence posts and furniture. Because of its thorns and tangled branches, the...
  10. The first recorded Toon Trees were found in Zimbabwe in 1903 and now can be found in other African countries and Australia. The Toon Tree is a large deciduous tree, reaching 20 m - 30 m (70 ft-100 ft) high and 1.8 m - 3 m (6 ft-10 ft) in girth with a large spreading crown and shallow roots. The...