1. 01/01/2014 Conseils pratiques de gestion à l’usage des petits paysans en Afrique tropicale Cet Agrodok sur la riziculture de bas-fonds est principalement destiné aux petits agriculteurs d’Afrique tropicale, car il propose un système et des pratiques culturales adaptées aux conditions propres à ce continent....
  2. 19/12/1991 Strategies for integrated systems Herding associations - Peru Community based landuse planning in Thailand Lowland farming Women integrate fish and farming Sustainable agriculture Agroforestry Indigenousknowledge
  3. 19/07/1996 Integrated farming systems in humid lowlands Philippine farmer switches over to rice-fish Pigs manage the world's worst weed in India Cambodia aquaculture developments Diversifying rice field systems in Bangladesh Pak Yanto's road to sustainability Capture or culture? Wetland management in...
  4. 01/01/1980 The overall objective of this Handbook is to introduce the reader to a time tested system of family food production and to provide guidlines to assist programme officers with developing an appropriate home garden programme. The basic principles can also be applied in programmes for schools and...
  5. AccessAgriculture Training Video Les agriculteurs guatémaltèques expliquent comment cultiver des haricots dans les zones chaudes et dans les basfonds en sélectionnant d’abord une variété de haricots adaptée à la chaleur. Ils sement les haricots en hiver et doivent parfois fournir de l'irrigation....
  6. Tropical lowland regions are characterized by high humidity and annual rainfall. Lowlands exist around the world in microclimates but predominate areas of South and Southeast Asia, Latin America and Caribbean, and Coastal regions of the tropics. One of the main agricultural concerns for lowland...
  7. 01/06/1992 286 pages, illustrated
  8. 01/01/2015 One of the newest additions to the ECHO Global Farm is the Natural Farming Pig System located in the Tropical Lowlands area. This component is based on the Natural Farming approach developed in East and Southeast Asia which focuses on harnessing the impact of beneficial microbes for enhancing...
  9. 18/10/2016 Cory Thede, travaillant sur la côte nord d'Haïti, a envoyé une note sur une plante locale de chaya avec une branche (Figure 8) qui s’est transformée en une variété sauvage piquante. Il a fait le commentaire suivant: «Quand je me suis adossé par inadvertance contre elle, j'ai senti des piqûres et...