1. 01/01/1979 The numerous authors in each section of Planning the Uses and Management of Land serve as an excellent example of the wealth of knowledge emanating from cooperative members of these societies in this joint effort as copublishers of this monograph.
  2. The aim of this booklet is to show how to avoid the loss of crop nutrients from manures and how to get the most benefits from manures on the farm for good crop growth and healthy soils. 14 pages
  3. 01/01/2016 In his classic book,The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni laid out a groundbreaking approach for tackling the perilous group behaviors that destroy teamwork. Here he turns his focus to the individual, revealing the three indispensable virtues of an ideal team player. InThe Ideal Team...
  4. 01/01/1993 This is about staff and volunteers enjoying their work more and therefore enjoying working with each other more. 70 pages, illustrations
  5. 01/01/2014 Conseils pratiques de gestion à l’usage des petits paysans en Afrique tropicale Cet Agrodok sur la riziculture de bas-fonds est principalement destiné aux petits agriculteurs d’Afrique tropicale, car il propose un système et des pratiques culturales adaptées aux conditions propres à ce continent....