1. 3/7/2019 This event has been cancelled due to the civil unrest in Haiti at this time. -- Join us on July 3rd, 2:00-5:00 PM at Haiti Communitere for this networking event to connect with colleagues working in agriculture development in Haiti and learn about each other's work, including brief presentations...
  2. The Latin American Forest Genetic Resources Network (LAFORGEN) contributes to developing effective mechanisms for the conservation and sustainable use of Forest Genetic Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean. Forest genetic resources are essential for communities who rely on timber and...
  3. 20/1/2016 Need an effective, low cost antiparasitic remedy? Or prefer natural remedies, if they really work? You want papaya seeds (Carica papaya). A placebo, controlled study in Nigeria1 found them to be as effective as pharmaceuticals without any serious side effects. The parasite clearance rates after a...
  4. 20/1/2019 Reseña por Dawn Berkelaar ECHO cuenta con una amplia red de expertos agrícolas que trabajan en diversas áreas de la producción y el desarrollo. Muchos miembros contribuyen a nuestras distintas publicaciones y recursos, a menudo escribiendo o contribuyendo a nuestros documentos existentes. Algunos...
  5. We are focused on providing the best user experience we can, helping you to discover answers to your inquiries quickly, effectively and precisely. We have a range of content on thePlantwise Knowledge Bank, including, posters, leaflets, video factsheets, etc. For ease of use, we have categorised...
  6. We are focused on providing the best user experience we can, helping you to discover answers to your inquiries quickly, effectively and precisely. We have a range of content on the Plantwise Knowledge Bank, including, posters, leaflets, video factsheets, etc. For ease of use, we have categorised...
  7. SOMOS SEMILLA es una Biblioteca Comunitaria de Semillas que tiene el objetivo de ofrecer a la comunidad acceso a semillas de variedades de cultivo adaptadas a las condiciones locales. La Biblioteca funciona mediante un sistema de “préstamo-devolución”, aporta educación, y juega un papel...
  8. Abstract,ResearchGate, 2018 The experiment aims to implement a sustainable system that will allow long - term research to evaluate the productive behavior of vegetables, fruits and trees, as well as to observe issues related to compaction and soil moisture content. Based on agroforestry...
  9. 20/3/2019 Kreyòl
  10. 20/12/2018 Kreyòl