1. 1/1/2007 This book is about learning in and about endogenous development. Endogenous means ‘growing from within’. Endogenous development is, therefore, development based on people’s own resources, strategies and initiatives. The available resources and solutions developed at the grassroots include...
  2. 1/1/2016 The current conception of organic farming is the result of nearly a century of intellectual thought and dialogue, field observations and experiences, systematic experimentation, and codification of rules. Debates on the future viability of organic farming often focus on its capacity to produce...
  3. AFSA’s collection of case studies shows how agroecology benefits Africa in terms of food security, nutrition, poverty reduction, climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity conservation, cultural sensitivity, democracy, and value for money. Agroecology works in harmony with nature. It...
  4. 1/1/1991 Enriched Fallow Technology: Vol. #1includes information on fallow technology including technology profile, cover crops, cultural practices meaning seeding rate, and methods of establishment. Series 1989 14 pages, illustrated, photos
  5. This report is one of a series detailing results from the Alternatives to Slash-and-Burn Programme, a system-wide initiative of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. The programs seeks to reconcile agricultural production and development with mitigation of the adverse...
  6. This report covers the contractual requirement of ASB to the Global Environment Facility to meet Goal2 "Assessment of the impact on biodiversity of different land uses" as outlined in the aims and objectives of Phase 2. It also meets the broader goals of the the ASB consortium to explore the...
  7. AccessAgriculture Training Video Por siglos los campesinos a nivel mundial han sido los guardianes de la semilla agrícola y han seleccionado variedades nuevas. Es difícil para los tomadores de decisiones reconocer el derecho ancestral de los agricultores de conservar y producir su semilla frente...
  8. AccessAgriculture Video Nosotros los agricultores y las agricultoras tenemos derecho a vender nuestra semilla, y a conservarla y a intercambiarla. Si a nosotros los agricultores y las agricultoras nos prohibieran comercializar, vender nuestra semilla de papa, simplemente se terminaría nuestra...
  9. Recurso clave 19/1/1998 Measures of Success is a practical, hands-on guide to designing, managing, and measuring the impacts of community-oriented conservation and development projects. It presents a simple, clear, logical, and yet comprehensive approach to developing and implementing effective programs, and can help...