1. 14-06-2014 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 Hướng tới một tương lai canh tác lúa tốt đẹp hơn Phương Pháp Thâm Canh Lúa Cải tiến (SRI) đang trở nên phổ biến ở Thái Lan. Cả nông dân mới và nông dân giàu kinh nghiệm đều rất hứng thú học hỏi để cải thiện hệ thống trồng lúa thay vì chỉ tập trung vào năng...
  2. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 SRI was first tried by farmers in Thailand over ten years ago. However, many farmers struggled to avoid trauma to the seedlings and to transplant young seedlings using human labor. Additionally, trying to draw lines (for even spacing of the transplants) was...
  3. 14-06-2014 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 This article contains diagrams of the SRI RollingMarker, Rotary Weeder, and Grass Cutter discussed in other articles from Echo Asia Note 21. Máy Đánh dấu lăn cho SRI
  4. 14-06-2014 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 Các Hệ thống canh tác lúa cải tiến (SRI) là một phương pháp canh tác lúa đầy hứa hẹn có thể vừa giảm chi phí sản xuất – của hạt giống, phân bón, hóa chất, và nước – vừa tăng năng suất bằng cách giúp cho mỗi cây lúa phát huy hết tiềm năng của nó. Tuy nhiên,...
  5. 08-06-2017 Feed Options for Ruminants in the Tropics Creating a Low-Cost Seed Dryer for Local Seed Banks
  6. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 31. The amazing multi-stomached ruminant comes in many forms, with varied nutritional requirements. Ruminants are even-toed, cloven-hoofed, four-legged, cud-chewing mammals of the suborder Ruminantia (within order Artiodactyla). Cattle, water buffalo, goats,...
  7. Tài Nguyên Chính This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 31. Saving your own seeds can be a cost-effective way to access crop seed for future planting and to help maintain the planet’s plant biodiversity. Whether you plant your own saved seeds, give them away to friends and neighbors, or distribute them through...
  8. 23-05-2017 This PPT presentation covered the following topics: Plant Biodiversity Local Seed Systems Introduction to Neglected and Underutilized Species (NUS) Identifying NUS In Your Area Field Work NUS Plant Profiles NUS Resources Opportunities & Challenges
  9. 23-05-2017 This presentation on Gree Manure Cover Cropsseeks to answer the question: How do we achieve all of these objectives (profitability, practically, resiliency, reduced reliance on fossil-fuels, sustainability) when land is limited/degraded, inputs are unavailable or unattainable, labor is scarce,...