1. Shea is an important product for women in the shea belt, which ranges from Senegal in West Africa to Ethiopia in East Africa. However, if the raw shea nuts are not properly processed then the resultant stored nuts and derived products are of poorer quality. The following animation demonstrates...
  2. Evitiyu elaa enaleeliha miruku saphama sa okuha nmisso mulapelaka etekinika emoha ya opilhara isakhu.
  3. This video explains how to dry grains after harvest by building a low-cost High Velocity Solar Grain Dryer. Drying grain is important because it reduces the chance for mold growth in the grain, which will increase its storage life as well as ensuring that it will sell at a higher price. When you...
  4. Ebola eretcha yawopopiha ekumi enalikiwa ni iviru sa Ebola. Mwelukuluku ahu hiwavo muretche nari evacina enapenucha eretcha elaa . mwawi hiha eretcha yawopiha navetho ekhanle onhoka npuwa wa elukuluku vakhani, hi nrino pahi owera wa wakihera omiseya wa eretcha ya Ebola. Mwapatchera owura muretche...
  5. Malariya eretcha enalikiwa ni mwasitchu onavukiwa ni atchu wa nthowa na olunmwa ni tupusi mwamuthiyana onitchaniwa Anopheles. Sawonihera okhala ni malariya iri: oviha mwili, othukumela, ovoreya wamutekhu, ovoreiwa muro, otchetcheya ni okoma. Akhala mutchu ni makatchamiho sintoko yalaa, tiyaphama...
  6. Efepiri ya ntchalo eretcha enalikiwa ni mwasitchu onavukiwa ni atchu wanthowa na olunmwa ni tupusi amwamuhiyana anitchaniwa Aedes aegipty ni atupusi ya maloko makina. Sawona sa eretcha elaa iri: oviha wa mwili, othukumela, ovoreya wa misiphe, ovoreya wa muru, ohitchuna otcha, naaruru ni orapheya....
  7. Zika is a disease caused by a particular flavivirus. The virus is primarily transmitted to people through the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito which also transmits dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever. There are reports of sexual transmission and transmission by an infected mother to her...
  8. Ebola is a life threatening disease caused by the Ebola virus. There is currently no cure or vaccine. Although the disease is dangerous and can kill in a short time, we can stop Ebola from spreading. Early treatment can also increase chances of surviving Ebola. This video provides information on...
  9. Evitiyu enatcharela enonihera merelo ya opatchera nikhuru nimoha na okhuha mussurukhu. Elaa ennatcherera merelo ya opaka nikhuru, meelo oreherera nikhuru navetho etcharihelaka merelo ya oreherera ekaacha ya okuha mussurukhu. Evitiyu yopatchera npuwa mwa ivitiyu thanu ni emoha inaleeliha olapa ni...
  10. Nvitiyu mu, nnaya oleliha yokweleya opakiwa vamuthukumanoni werenyayavo opoleya wa mussurukhu. Nnavanhihana merelo olamula malapelo ni makuchero ya ikhorowa sa opoleya. Elaa evitiyu yanethanu mwa ivitiyu thanu ni emoha sa malapelo ni mussurukhu wa vakhani.