1. 01/01/1994 A simple guide to small-scale, ecological production of pure sorghum syrup. 95 pages, illustrated, photos
  2. AccessAgriculture Training Video Lors des visites hebdomadaires et avec l’appui de leur vulgarisateur, un champ école paysan en Tanzanie apprend comment tester des variétés de sorgho pour leur tolérance au striga et pour leur comportement sous des différentes pratiques. Langues disponibles...
  3. This comprehensive account of sorghum embraces not only the genetics and breeding, but also its physiology and agronomy, the pests and diseases which affect it, and its uses and processing for industrial purposes.
  4. 20/11/2018 Grain sorghum(Sorghum bicolor)and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum)are both globally important warm-season,annual cereal grain crops.Small-scale farmers who grow these grains can belimited by access to fertilizers and human labor. Agricultural low input systems use few commercial inputs,...
  5. This publication contains a series of articles on how, when, why, and what of raising sorghum.
  6. Sorghum,Sorghum bicolor, is an annual or perennial grass in the family Poaceae grown primarily for its grain. Sorghum has an erect solid stem with one or more tillers (additional shoot that grows subsequent to the parent shoot) and curving leaves which are arranged alternately on the stems and...
  7. 20/01/2012 192 pages, illustrated, photos Information Bulletin no. 34
  8. 19/10/1994 In some parts of the world people roast sorghum, as is done with corn (roasting ears) in the United States. Roasting bird resistant sorghum at the dough stage may not sufficiently remove the cyanogenic glycoside dhurrin.
  9. 19/02/1998 A striga resistant sorghum has been developed. In addition the fungus, Fusarium oxysporum, may help control striga.
  10. 20/01/2015 Sorghum is primarily self-pollinated, meaning that a sorghum plant will accept pollen from its own flowers. Sorghum can also accept pollen from other sorghum plants (cross-pollination) by means of wind or insect transfer. Cultivated sorghum is generally cross-pollinated between 2 and 10%, with...