1. Access Agriculture Training Video Some plants repel insects naturally. Grow them in between your crop to deter insects. By knowing the wild plants that grow in your area, you can prepare your own herbal insect repellent at no cost. Add cow urine to help extract the repelling compounds from milky...
  2. 01/01/2004 par les maladies, les animaux nuisibles et les carences minérales L’objet de ce fascicule est d’aider les agriculteurs/-trices de zones isolées à prévenir et enrayer les maladies et les plaies qui peuvent affliger leurs cultures. Ces agriculteurs/-trices n’ont peut être pas accès aux conseillers...
  3. 19/03/1988 Mountain agriculture Land degradation in Papua New Guinea Sloping agricultural land technology Land use systems in marginal highlands Community forestry Cassava planting Pest management
  4. Ce nettoyeur de la graine a été développé ŕ l'Afghanistan pour enlever des graines rondes de mauvaises herbes de grains du blé. Les graines rondes ne pourraient pas ętre séparées par un crible parce que ils étaient la męme dimension comme les grains du blé. Le nettoyeur a décrit ici...
  5. 20/12/2007 Pest management Ecological pest management Traditional ecological management of late blight in potato The theory of trophobiosis in pest and disease control Plant clinics for healthy crops Rats - an ecologically-based approach for managing a global problem Changing the strategies of Farmer Field...
  6. 01/01/1988 Bulletin 855 When choosing a control strategy, an understanding of the behavior and ecology of the pest species is helpful. Past techniques which have ignored these facets of a species' biology often have failed. In addition, an understanding of the pest population as a dynamic, constantly...
  7. icipe'smission is to help alleviate poverty, ensure food security and improve the overall health status of peoples of the tropics, by developing and extending management tools and strategies for harmful and useful arthropods, while preserving the natural resource base through research and...
  8. FAO actions FAO operates a centralizedDesert Locust Information Service (DLIS)within the Locust Group at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy that monitors the Desert Locust situation throughout the world. FAO provides information on the general locust situation to the global community and givestimely...
  9. 01/01/1975 Many mites are microscopic in size, and distinguishing characters given in scientific descriptions are visible only through a high-powered, compound, phase microscope. As a result there is a great need for a non-technical publication that permits the identification of mites under grove conditions...
  10. 01/01/1995 This text provides color photographs for the identification of Florida citrus insects, mites, diseases, physiological disorders, horticultural problems and nutritional deficiencies and toxicities.