1. Traditional Pacific Island diets were diverse and nutritionally appropriate. In recent decades Pacific Islanders have experienced many changes in lifestyle and diet. Most of the dietary changes have not been for the better, and have contributed to the burden of malnutrition throughout the...
  2. The Guide is aimed at all those involved in planning and implementation of activities of nutrition education and communication. They are the nutritionists, the communicators, the technicians of health, agriculture and education, all concerned with the subject and often working in teams to develop...
  3. This report presents a collection of papers discussed at the 24th Session of the United Nations Sub-Committee on Nutrition, held in March 1997 Kathmandu. The Symposium presenters and discussants traced the origins of child malnutrition to low birth weight, maternal deprivation and discrimination...
  4. 08/12/2006 This publication includes information on dryland farming and finding the best crops for a tropical subsistence farm. ECHO HANA (Health/AIDS/Nutrition/Agriculture) workshop, Dec. 8, 2006 30 pages, illustrated, tables 2 copies
  5. 01/01/1975 This is the book that started the Tofu Revolution worldwide, beginning in the 1970s. An integrated approach to the subject of one food - history, nutrition, culture. recipes, how to make tofu on a home scale and commercially, recipes, bibliography.A discussion of tofu as a food. Includes 500...
  6. 01/01/2016 Cet Agrodok décrit comment augmenter la production de viande bovine dans les élevages extensifs à faibles intrants en s’appuyant principalement sur les moyens disponibles dans l’exploitation. L’approche décrite ici demande un nouvel état d’esprit mais aussi souvent plus de travail et des intrants...
  7. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is a very drought-tolerant, nitrogen-fixing, cool season crop that tolerates heat during fruiting and ripening. It is grown as a cool season annual in a broad belt through the Mediterranean region to the subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, Europe, Central, and...
  8. AccessAgriculture Training Video Dans cette vidéo, nous allons voir comment après l’accouchement nous pouvons : compenser la perte de sang ; nettoyer l’utérus et diminuer les douleurs ; se faire sentir bien dans sa peau ; et donner de l’appétit et de l’énergie. La maman en bonne santé nourrit...
  9. In industrialized countries, we often take longevity and health for granted. When something opposes this notion, it is easy to feel threatened. In a country like Malawi, however, concepts like these are not a given. Death is as much a part of daily life as is birth. Villagers are barraged by...
  10. 20/01/2021 Les légumes vivaces sont une catégorie de cultures qui ont un grand potentiel pour relever des défis tels que les carences alimentaires, le manque de biodiversité des cultures et les changements climatiques. Bien que certaines espèces de plantes aient fait l'objet d'une attention particulière...