1. 03/06/2015 Field-based teaching provides first-hand experience about the subject matter being discussed. An on-site encounter allows farmers to observe innovations in practice, discuss them, and ask questions. Farmers exposed to new ideas will be much more likely to understand and apply the information if...
  2. 29/05/2015 The lecture is one of the oldest and most widely used methods of teaching. In agriculture extension, field agents often use lectures as a method to share information with farmers. However, many lecturers are ineffective because they do not properly prepare and structure their presentations. Drawn...
  3. 28/05/2015 Most extension workers serving small-scale farmers in developing countries have been equipped with at least some level of agriculture-related training and field experience. Many, however, lack training in how to teach and facilitate learning, a skill that is equally important as technical...
  4. 13/05/2015 As extension programs must increasingly accomplish more with less, information and communication technology (ICT) can be utilized to ensure that vital information continues to reach rural agriculture communities in developing countries. This document, drawn from MEAS / USAID Brief # 1: Options...
  5. 19/05/2015 Une approche d'apprentissage participatif, appliquée à chaque étape d'un projet de développement communautaire, est cruciale pour atteindre le niveau de participation des parties prenantes nécessaire pour un changement durable et positif. L'utilisation de méthodes d'enquête et de planification...
  6. 01/05/2015 Cet article est tiré de la Note d’Information n 2 de MEAS, intitulé Reducing the Gender Gap in Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services: How to Find the Best Fit for Men and Women Farmers (Réduire l'écart entre les sexes dans les services de vulgarisation agricole et de conseil : Comment...
  7. The Food, Land and People learning activities connect agriculture with many different curriculum content areas. Each lesson is multidisciplinary in focus.
  8. 25/01/2016 Dans EDN 127, nous avons mentionné que plusieurs documents de MEAS (Modernizing Extension and Advisory Services) étaient en train d’être résumés et extraits pour le public de ECHO. Un article sur l’Implication des agriculteurs dans la vulgarisation agricole a été partagé dans EDN 128, et nous...
  9. 23/07/2015 Good intentions and viable solutions will have little impact unless we engage with farmers in ways that are meaningful to them. Farmers put a great deal of confidence in what they learn from fellow farmers’ experiences, and they are more likely to trust what they see over what they hear....
  10. 28/03/2016 Training participants in Koaran, Burkina Faso are praising the qualities of local workshops held in their community. Located about 250km from the capital, Ouagadougou, this remote village is one that is benefitting from farmer-to-farmer instruction. Across West Africa, this educational style has...