1. 16/11/2017
  2. 12/12/2017 Conference Proceedings The 6th Biennial ECHO Asia Agriculture and Community Development Conference Editors’ Note In an effort to expand the dissemination of technical materials and best practices presented during this year’s ECHO Asia Agriculture & Community Development Conference, the ECHO...
  3. AccessAgriculture Training Video La production alimentaire dans les champs des femmes peut facilement croitre de 30% si nous accordons une attention aux aspects genre lorsque nous traitons de ces quatre sujets : Demande en formation et appui conseils ; Curricula et méthodes de vulgarisation ;...
  4. Mission Statement The mission of the "Journal of Agricultural Extension" is to publish conceptual papers and empirical research that tests, extends, or builds agricultural extension theory and contributes to the practice of extension worldwide. Scope of journal The Journal of Agricultural...
  5. Ressource principale 19/01/1997 This book is the result of two workshops, one held in Honduras and another held inEcuador, that were undertaken to describe and analyse the personal experiences of farmer promoters who provideextensionservices for community development, a methodology known as 'farmer-to-farmer extension'. The...