1. 咖啡加工方法能彻底地改变最终产品的质量和口味,或更好或更差。选择一种能对质量、口味和成本都有积极影响的方法,咖啡的发展潜力就能被释放,同时高质量的咖啡还能提高农民的收入。使用一种将咖啡豆从咖啡果里分离出来的优化方式是最有效的提高质量的方法。世界上每一个地方都有它自己独一无二的特征和环境特点(称为“风土条件”),这样就为小众、高品质的农作物和产品,诸如咖啡、葡萄酒、巧克力、奶酪等增添价值。发展中的特色咖啡市场正在寻找独特的、单一产地的咖啡以增加咖啡消费者的体验。没有“完美”的咖啡加工方式,只要高水平的质量标准都是成功的。然而,为了在你的特定环境中做出优质和提高收入的选择,...
  2. 2016-11-30 This form can be used to grade the green coffee, evaluating for defects in both category 1 and 2.
  3. 2016-11-30 This form can be used during a coffee cupping to evaluate the coffee on a number of factors.
  4. 2016-11-30 In this session, Zach discusses the critical quality control operations for coffee quality. These critical quality control points includeharvesting/cherry separation, fermentation, and drying.
  5. 2016-11-30 In this session, Zach discusses the natural processing technique and the challenge of caring for the coffee cherries in such a way that you are encouraging optimum flavour without losing the cherry to bacteria or mold.
  6. 2016-11-30 In this session, Zach introduces the basis for evaluation and grading for Arabica green coffees. Additionally he shares the SCAA Grading Standards for physical evaluation of green coffees.
  7. 2016-11-29 In this opening session, Zach gives an introduction to coffee and the many harvesting and processing methods in practice today.
  8. The ECHO Asia Coffee Processing Camp was held from 29 Nov- 1 Dec 2016 at Silaa Farms (www.silaafarms.com), 3 hours outside of Chiang Mai, Thailand. We loved having participants from over 10 different countries. We hope to connect further with all of you and would love to hear any feedback you...
  9. 1977-01-01 Boletin tecnico, no. 6, 1977. Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia 84 pages, illustrated