1. 2017-10-03 In this workshop, I will describe and diagram the common sloping land corn and rice farming system. I will then identify leverage points within the system and how development workers can work with farmers to make these systems more sustainable.
  2. 2017-10-05 The Sloping Agriculture Land Technologies (SALT) were developed in the Philippines more than 30 years ago. They were developed with local farmers incorporating some key principles for farming the uplands in the humid tropics such as soil erosion control, fertility management through use of plant...
  3. 2017-10-05 This workshop will look at indigenous microbial fermented feeds as an alternative to our expensive foreign/imported GMO corn-soy based feed ration for our native animals (chicken and swine). Experiments on microbial fermentation on indigenous plants was conducted in terms of palatability,...
  4. 2017-10-03 In this workshop, Scott talked about his small backyard urban garden and his experiments with integrating egg-laying chickens into the system on multiple levels. Faced with the economic reality of it being cheaper to buy eggs than produce them himself using store-bought feeds, he began to look...
  5. 2017-10-04 Seeds are the most significant agricultural input factor. Smart farmers must know how to select and harvest the seeds that are adaptable to the environment in a particular area and their production requirement characteristics. Each vegetable has certain times during the plant’s growth when seed...
  6. 2017-10-04 Why is local food important? We will discuss a few topics related to local food: 1) Right now, local food is a trend that includes a focus on super foods, clean food, and supplements. 2) Local food touches on food sovereignty. Do we have a choice of what we eat? 3) Indigenous plants are still...
  7. 2013-01-20
  8. 2017-12-11 Featured in the AN: An Innovative, Inexpensive, Environmentally Friendly Method to Pasteurize Mushroom Media in the Tropics Using a Styrofoam Box Op-Ed: Forage Plants for Improved Human Development
  9. 2018-01-17 ECHO Asia, in conjunction with the PMA CSSDD (Pathein Myaungmya Sgaw Karen Baptist Association- Christian Social Services Development Division), with funding from the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP-USA) and the Agroecology Learning Alliance in SE Asia (ALiSEA), welcomes anyone working in...
  10. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 33. 平菇(Pleurotus ostreatus)等蘑菇通常生长在装有有机物质的塑料袋中,这些有机物质可能包括有机农业废弃物。该材料必须消毒(加热到100以上)或巴氏灭菌(加热到更低 的温度,60或更高)才能防止细菌、病毒和真菌孢子的污染。然而,由于能源需求,消毒和巴氏杀菌对小农户来说很有挑战性。通常,小规模农民使用滚筒杀菌法,在此过程中,水被加热至沸腾。农民必须购买或收集木柴来加热水(一项昂贵和/或劳动密集型的工作)。木炭的购买和制造成本更高。此外,滚筒灭菌的结果可能不一致,...