1. 2014-06-14 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 Wanpen’s roller planting marker was developed from her experience. When a problem occurred, she would alter and develop the tool according to the problem and rice variety. Wanpen’s tool was designed to be lightweight, easy to handle and convenient to use....
  2. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 SRI was first tried by farmers in Thailand over ten years ago. However, many farmers struggled to avoid trauma to the seedlings and to transplant young seedlings using human labor. Additionally, trying to draw lines (for even spacing of the transplants) was...
  3. 2014-06-14 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 This article contains diagrams of the SRI RollingMarker, Rotary Weeder, and Grass Cutter discussed in other articles from Echo Asia Note 21.
  4. 2014-06-14 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a promising rice-farming methodology that is able both to lower production costs—of seed, fertilizer, chemicals, and water—and to increase yield by enabling each rice plant to reach its full potential. However,...
  5. 2017-06-08 Feed Options for Ruminants in the Tropics Creating a Low-Cost Seed Dryer for Local Seed Banks
  6. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 31. 简介 令人惊奇的多重反刍动物形态多样,其营养需求也各不相同。反刍动物是反刍类亚纲(属偶蹄目)中偶蹄、四足和反嚼的哺乳动物。牛、水牛、山羊和牦牛是东南亚分布的一些反刍动物。 反刍动物能够在消化前借助有益微生物将植物性食物在其特殊的胃中发酵,再消化和获取营养(图 1)。在初步发酵后,将发酵的嚼团再次调味并再次咀嚼,重新咀嚼(进一步分解植物物质并刺激消化)的过程称为反刍。反刍动物产生的废料作为肥料是很好的价值,可以更好地生产他们摄取的饲料。农场应使用粪肥以保持土壤肥力。由于农场养分的循环利用,...
  7. 关键资源 This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 31. 简介和背景 保存自己的种子是一种成本效益高的方法,以此可以获得作物种子供未来种植,并有助于维持地球上的植物生物多样性。 无论您是种植自己保存的种子,将它们送给朋友和邻居,还是通过您的组织分发,有效收获、清洁、准备、干燥和储存种子的能力对于帮助维持种子的萌发和存活力都很重要。本文将重点介绍将种子干燥到适当含水量的重要性,并将提供我们在”亚洲回音”影响中心种子库建造和使用的两种低成本种子干燥机的详情。
  8. 2017-05-23 This PPT presentation covered the following topics: Plant Biodiversity Local Seed Systems Introduction to Neglected and Underutilized Species (NUS) Identifying NUS In Your Area Field Work NUS Plant Profiles NUS Resources Opportunities & Challenges
  9. 2017-05-23 This presentation on Gree Manure Cover Cropsseeks to answer the question: How do we achieve all of these objectives (profitability, practically, resiliency, reduced reliance on fossil-fuels, sustainability) when land is limited/degraded, inputs are unavailable or unattainable, labor is scarce,...