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Industrial crops provide oils, fiber, or chemicals from leaves, seeds, bark, or roots for income or on-farm use. Plants in our collection are used for edible oil, confection, forage, fiber, fuel oil, or as a pesticide.


  1. Tanaman industri menyediakan minyak, serat, atau bahan kimia dari daun, biji, kulit kayu, atau akar untuk pendapatan atau penggunaan di lahan pertanian. Tanaman dalam koleksi kami digunakan sebagai minyak nabati, gula-gula, umpan, serat, minyak bakar, atau sebagai pestisida.
  2. 19 Oktober 1996
  3. The AAIC is an international, nonprofit educational and scientific organization established to Encourage and promote the activities of those involved in the production, processing, development, and commercialization of industrial crops and products derived from industrial crops Educate and inform...

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